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27Dec2024 - 10:11 16 AM
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不再让你孤单 A Beautiful Life
Code : 9555209010141
Price : MYR16.90 SGD8.03 USD6.59 RMB45.63 MYR13.52 / SGD6.42 / USD5.27 / RMB36.50
Weight :210 g
Staring :刘烨 , 舒淇 , ,
Genre :Comedy / Love ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English , Malay ,
Language :Chinese/ Mandarin ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :1
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD ,
Manufacturer :Multimedia Entertainment Sdn Bhd ,

Shu Qi (If You Are The One) and Liu Ye (Lan Yu) join hands for the heart-rending love story from blockbuster director Andrew Lau (Look For A Star), which is set to be another trophy-magnet for the award-winning trio. The beautifully lensed A Beautiful Life follows a Hong Kong woman who struggles to make a living in Beijing, and the man she falls head over heels in love with no matter what the hands of fate bring them. Thanks to the powerful performances and chemistry of the leads, Andrew Lau has an easier time demonstrating with this film that he is equally adept at making a bittersweet romantic tearjerker. It should be noted, however, that fine acting isn't limited to the central pair, as co-stars like Olympic diver-turned-actor Tian Liang, starlet Feng Danying, and the always-reliable Anthony Wong also give scene-stealing turns in supporting roles. Smart and beautiful, Li Peiru (Shu Qi) is trying to make some big bucks in Beijing for her family in Hong Kong. She works hard for a real estate agency, yet a hopeless affair with her married boss leaves her badly broken. After a drunken encounter with honest policeman Fang Zhendong (Liu Ye), she begins to enjoy his company whenever she feels down and lonely. Smitten with this broken-hearted girl, Zhendong is always there for her, giving her financial and emotional support without asking for anything in return. Still, life is always a series of setbacks for Peiru, and when her own business is doomed to failure, she decides to give up everything and drift back to Hong Kong. It is only then that she realizes Zhendong is all that she needs, but can true love prevail in the face of the cruelty of life?


在北京的三里屯,當拜金港女遇上了戇直公安,會發展出一個怎樣的愛情故事﹖導演劉偉強構思故事十年,與金馬影后舒淇和影帝劉燁合演中港兩地的浪漫情緣。《不再讓你孤單》以陳昇經典曲點題,主角們淒美動人的自身經歷,從催淚悲情的戲碼道出港人北上聚散離合的漂泊心情。 隻身從香港到北京從事地產工作的佩如(舒淇飾),一直周旋於有婦之夫(連凱飾)之間,一天因酒醉後邂逅北京巡警方鎮東(劉燁飾),鎮東被她率性格所吸引,佩如也對戇厚老實人鎮東一見如故,當她失意時,便會找鎮東來相陪。佩如因創業和愛情失意,又花盡鎮東的積蓄,敗走回港。當佩如回港後,見盡人間冷暖,才發現自己忘不了鎮東…… 兩大影帝影后首次聚頭,舒淇的爽直港女形象,與劉燁不愠不火的演出,擦出動人的愛火花,其中一段長達六分鐘長鏡頭,舒淇醉後胡言亂語與劉燁的互動,令人動情動容。片中田亮演出鎮東自閉弟弟,與啞女馮丹瀅出演的一段苦戀,還有黃秋生的特別客串,也為《不再讓你孤單》再添催淚感。劉偉強拍出北京大街小巷的唯美畫面,加上強勁的幕後班底包括吳美璐的服裝設計和陳光榮的吉他配樂,以及王菀之和張學友為電影歌曲獻聲,浪漫氣氛讓人陶醉。

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