Ganta Igarashi has been convicted of a crime that he hasn't committed, and sent to a new, privately owned and operated prison, where the inmates are the main attraction in a modern day twist to the gladiatorial coliseums of ancient times. Throw in a healthy dose of weird little girl, some new-found super powers, and a little conspiracy theory, and you have Deadman Wonderland.
故事讲述东京大地震后的十年后,人们逐渐淡忘这场大灾难带来的恐怖回忆!每天自疏散地通学的中学生五十岚丸太,也与同学过着平凡无奇的每一天。然而某天,一名「红色男子」突然现身学校,彻底改变了丸太的命运。被冠上莫须有罪名处以「死刑」的丸太,被送进了完全民营化的监狱「DEADMAN WONDER LAND(死囚乐园)」,从此,残酷的监狱生死存亡战就这样开始了…