Ganta Igarashi has been convicted of a crime that he hasn't committed, and sent to a new, privately owned and operated prison, where the inmates are the main attraction in a modern day twist to the gladiatorial coliseums of ancient times. Throw in a healthy dose of weird little girl, some new-found super powers, and a little conspiracy theory, and you have Deadman Wonderland.
距东京大地震已经过去了10年——人们逐渐淡忘这场大灾难带来的恐怖回忆。高中初二的学生五十岚丸太在10年前经历了东京大地震,但是由于年纪小的缘故,对地震前的事情记得不是那么清楚。现在的他过着如此平凡的每一天。这本该是他一直生活的地方。直到一个红色男子的出现,漂浮在空中的这个男人将五十岚丸太所在班级的学生全部杀光,只剩下丸太一人。被惯有莫须有罪名的丸太,被送进了完全民营化的监狱“DEADMAN WONDER LAND(死囚乐园)”,开始了残酷的监狱生死存亡战。。。