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06Feb2025 - 02:58 17 AM
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西藏往事 Once Upon A Time In Tibet
Code : 6815932002015
Price : MYR16.90 SGD8.03 USD6.59 RMB45.63 MYR13.52 / SGD6.42 / USD5.27 / RMB36.50
Weight :200 g
Staring :何润东 , 宋佳 , 乔什。汉纳姆 , 朱子岩 , ,
Genre :Comedy / Love , Detective / Action ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English ,
Language :Chinese/ Mandarin ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :1
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD ,
Manufacturer :Perniagaan Seri Anjung ,

which was conquered by the hero-Gesar King many years ago. Since her earliest age, she's been a castaway by her own tribe, because she is thought a "cursed woman" as an incarnation of evil. After surviving the crash, Robert tries to find his way back to his force, but the harsh elements are almost stronger than his will to survive: he finds himself snow-blind and finally falls in a faint in the blizzard. Robert follows the footprint of people and arrives at the tribe. Fair-haired Robert is regarded as a "monster" by the tribe. People think that the arrival of a stranger is considered another bad omen, so Yongcho, the "cursed woman", is charged with the duty of taking care of him and sending him away after he recovers. In this environment, where there is little room for individual feelings and nature is often hostile, both Robert and Yongcho will learn to know each other as well as themselves. Now, together and stronger than ever before, these two lost souls can fulfill their destiny in this unique journey.


二次大战期间,美国空军军官罗伯史密斯(Joshua Hannum 饰),来华加入盟军“飞虎队”协助中国抗日。在一次从印度飞往中国的物资运送任务中,军机不幸失事坠落于西藏神秘的高原。   坠机之后,罗伯试图找寻美军驻扎基地的路,但是严苛的环境和天候让他生存几乎都有困难。最后高山上的雪和剧烈的阳光让罗伯无法再看清楚,终于昏倒于雪地……   醒来后的罗伯用手摸索着雪地留下的脚印,一步一蹒跚地来到了藏人部落。当地年轻的藏族女子雍措(宋佳 饰)是位单亲妈妈,却被族人称为“被诅咒的女人”,视她为邪恶、罪恶的化身;金发的罗伯则被藏人视为“妖怪”, 并认为陌生人的到来是另一个坏预兆,意外地,雍措这位“被诅咒的女人”竟挑起了照顾罗伯的责任。   在朝夕相处和雍措的细心照顾下,罗伯的视力和身体日渐好转,两人也慢慢学会彼此了解和沟通并产生爱意。就在罗伯康复之后,雍措决定送他继续上路寻找归途。两个失落的灵魂,展开一段独特的旅途。

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