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22Feb2025 - 11:39 19 PM
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The Ghosts Must Be Crazy! 鬼也笑
Code : 4734221980013
Price : MYR19.90 SGD9.45 USD7.76 RMB53.73 MYR15.92 / SGD7.56 / USD6.21 / RMB42.98
Weight :200 g
Staring :蔡恩来Chua En Lai , 王雷 Wang Lei , 钟耀南 John Cheng , 李国煌 Mark Lee , 程旭辉 Henry Thia , 郑盈盈 Tay Yin Yin ,
Genre :Horror / Thriller / Science Fiction ,
Subtitle :Chinese Simplified/简体文字 , Chinese Traditional/繁体文字 , English , Malay ,
Language :Chinese/ Mandarin ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :1
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD ,
Manufacturer :PMP Entertainment (M) Sdn Bhd ,

The Ghost Must Be Crazy features 2 stories - The Day Off and Ghost Bride.Directed by Boris Boo(director of Phua Chu Kang The Movie),The Day Off is about Ah Nan(John Cheng) and Ah Lei(Wang Lei)going for their annuanl in-camp traning and they meet a very on Platoon Commander.The second story of the movie is directed by the first time director,Mark Lee,a comedian and host familiar to most households.Ghost Bride is a about a man Ah Hui(Henry Thia) who is unlucky in love.He meets a stranger,Ah Hai(Mark Lee), who promises him fortune and blessings if he seeks help from "brothers and sisters"in the netherworld.


《鬼也笑》是J Team Productions 的最新电影。电影分为两个故事,《鬼才给你off 》和《鬼才嫁给你》。第一个故事《鬼才给你off》是由巫培双执导。《鬼才给你off 》说的是阿南和阿雷两个战备军人又回到军营受训,阿南和阿雷遇到了一个很严格的排长。为了不想参这么辛苦,两人想出了各种滑稽的籍来向排长骗病假。结果,不但病假没有骗到还被排长臭骂一顿。   排长展开了一连串的变态军事训练,各个士兵都怨声载到,士气低落,又无可奈何。 阿雷和阿南便想出了一些点子来做弄排长,结果意想不到的事情接二连三发生了。。。   第二个故事《鬼才嫁给你》是由第一次当导演的李国煌执导。《鬼才嫁给你》主要说的是阿辉,一个常在情场实意的中年男人,再次的   被女友抛弃而感到绝望。时,一个陌生的男子阿海出现,   他能够帮助阿辉通过一些“好兄弟“来帮他脱离苦海。阿辉无意中捡到了一个手镯和一个红包,接着接二连三的好运就找上了阿辉。谁料到好运的来到,就是厄运的开始。。。。。

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