The story follows the path of three players: Sakuya, Tobias, and Mary, and their playing of the world's largest MMORPG, "The World R:X" created by Cyberconnect Corporation. As is the case, these players were on a quest in their party of three, when they are caught in a strange fate of circumstance.
hack//Quantum是继2003年动画《.hack//黄昏的腕轮传说》和2006年动画《.hack//Roots》后的OVA动画,《.hack//Link》的2年后(2022 年)作为背景舞台,作品以全世界超过一千万个玩家参加的虚构线上游戏《The World R:X》为主轴,主角咲夜及远世、玛丽两名队友共同展开的冒险物语。