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09Jul2024 - 01:39 39 AM
Category :

Japan Anime

Bakuman 爆漫王 Chapter 1 - 25 End
Code : 9528200193526
Price : MYR23.90 SGD11.35 USD9.32 RMB64.53 MYR19.12 / SGD9.08 / USD7.46 / RMB51.62
Weight :250 g
Genre :Boy Series Animation , Girl Series Animation ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English , Malay ,
Language :Japanese ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :2
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD5 ,
Manufacturer :Animedia Entertainment ,

Bakuman begins with Moritaka Mashiro, a junior high student, leaving his notebook containing a drawing of his crush and classmate Miho Azuki in class. When he notices and returns to the classroom after school, his classmate Akito Takagi is waiting for him with the notebook and tells him that he believes Azuki likes Mashiro too. Mashiro ends up thinking that Takagi also likes Azuki. Takagi then tries to persuade him to become a mangaka (manga artist) and draw the art for the stories he writes. However, Mashiro is reluctant due to his disillusion with modern society and the fate of his uncle, a former serialized mangaka who died from overwork while trying to regain that status...


故事場景設置在埼玉縣谷草市,擁有繪畫才能的中學3年級生真城最高對未來沒有夢想,只是想要平凡的活下去。但是有一天,班上的高材生高木秋人發現了他的才能,邀請他一起搭檔當漫畫家。最高於是下了決心當漫畫家,準備登上日本第一漫畫的王位,同時為了與夢中情人亞豆美保結婚而創一番成就。 兩人透過責任編輯服部哲的協助以「亞城木夢葉」為筆名出道連載,並且視暢銷漫畫家「天才高中生」新妻英治為競爭對手,彼此互相砥礪切磋琢磨的故事……

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