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09Jul2024 - 02:12 56 AM
Category :

Japan Anime

Jigoku Sensei Nube Chapter 1 - 49 Nube (3 Movie + 3 OVA + Special Is Japanese Version Only) 地狱先生
Code : 9528200062174
Price : MYR59.90 SGD28.45 USD23.36 RMB161.73 MYR47.92 / SGD22.76 / USD18.69 / RMB129.38
Weight :300 g
Genre :Boy Series Animation ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English ,
Language :Japanese ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :3
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD ,
Manufacturer :Animedia Entertainment ,

Nube is a clumsy, easygoing, and very kind teacher, but he has a secret under his glove on the left hand. He has a monster hand, and he also has the ability to sense ghosts and evil spirits. So he protects his dear students from these evil spirits with his monster hand, proving to be very powerful.


故事情节里引用了大量的日本都是传奇、学校怪谈、日本妖怪故事当作故事的创作题材,并且在每段故事完结之后另设解说专页,例如: 着名的裂口女、中国内地的不倒翁、白色的线、厕所里的花。童守町童守小学,来了一位自称除灵者的老师鹤野鸣介,当上五年三班的班主任。他的左手永远戴着手套。渐渐地,班上同学所遇上的灵异事件,鹤野鸣介义不容辞去为同学解决……。

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