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09Jul2024 - 02:59 12 AM
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Japan Anime

One Piece The Movie 5 海贼王电影版5
Code : 9555566200094
Price : MYR19.90 SGD9.45 USD7.76 RMB53.73 MYR15.92 / SGD7.56 / USD6.21 / RMB42.98
Weight :200 g
Genre :Boy Series Animation ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English , Malay ,
Language :Japanese ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :1
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD ,
Manufacturer :E.F Industries (M) Sdn Bhd ,

Luffy and crew go to an island searching for a legendary sword, said to be the most expensive in the world. Soon attacking marines and beautiful maidens split the crew. Zoro betrays the crew to help an old friend, Luffy and Usopp wander through a cave, and the rest help a village fight marines. When Zoro defeats Sanji he takes the sacred pearls that are the only defense against the evil sword that will plunge the world into darkness.


路飞一行人来到了阿斯卡岛的码头城市,传说这个岛上隐藏着伟大航道上最美丽的宝刀已及令人眼花缭乱的财宝,当路飞等人饱吃一顿回到船时,却发现看守的卓洛不见了。    路飞等人到处打听卓洛的下落,并向正在进行仪式的少女玛雅询问。后玛雅因为惧怕海贼而逃跑了。追上去的路飞和乌索普迷路了。而山治等人随玛雅之后来到村子却被武装的村人误以为是坏人而兵刃相见。这时,海军剑士毕斯玛鲁库、布孔古及卓洛突然出现,卓罗毫不留情地将山治打倒,并夺去玛雅的三颗宝石,随着海军离去。    而迷路的路飞和乌索普却误入海军道场,与道场的师傅撒加及其弟子目玛展开对峙。而撒加更放言说卓洛是他们的伙伴,并用妖气环绕的长剑玩弄路飞。坚持战斗的路飞还是败下阵来,不敌的路飞和乌索普跌下山崖。    山治等人从玛雅祖母依扎亚那里听说到阿斯卡岛的妖刀的传说:过去,这把强大的妖刀将阿斯卡王国逼止灭亡。

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