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09Jul2024 - 01:59 33 AM
Category :

Japan Anime

One Piece The Movie 6 海贼王电影版6
Code : 9555566200100
Price : MYR19.90 SGD9.45 USD7.76 RMB53.73 MYR15.92 / SGD7.56 / USD6.21 / RMB42.98
Weight :200 g
Genre :Boy Series Animation ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English , Malay ,
Language :Japanese ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :1
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD ,
Manufacturer :E.F Industries (M) Sdn Bhd ,

The Straw Hat crew obtain an advertisement for a recreational island on the Grand Line run by the Baron Omatsuri. Luffy decides to take this opportunity to kick back and relax. Unfortunately, when they arrive at the island, they are asked to compete in contests through unity for access to relaxation. However, there seems to be a mysterious air on the island, as the Straw Hat Pirates begin to fight amongst themselves, while Robin, Chopper, and Luffy individually search for the secret behind Baron Omatsuri's island.


黄金梅丽号在「伟大的航路」中行驶着,突然路飞发现了漂浮在汪洋大海中的玻璃瓶。瓶的其中有描绘着花,宝箱和弹涂鱼的狂欢岛的地图!与地图一起放在瓶中的信上写着:『你是从伟大航路里的一亿人中被选中的幸运的海贼』。这散发出巨臭的纸张令大家极其反胃。但是,路飞却满眼放光一副非去冒险不可的表情,船长成了这样已经是不可能阻止的了。向着狂欢岛!全速前进吧!!   然而路飞一行好容易到达的狂欢岛,却是非常平凡的岛屿,这令路飞等人异常失望。突然伴随着威严的进行曲一座光辉灿烂的主题公园出现在路飞等人面前,头上生满叶子的海贼歌唱团出现了。而在主题公园中央破地而出登场的,是拥有巨大的身躯,并且能使花在从自快报的肩膀长出来的不可思议的男人---狂欢男爵!男爵对再次双眼发光的路飞说到:「我将会赐予你神秘的宝物,但是,有个条件…」。这所谓的条件,就是能够通过男爵提出的地狱般试炼。地狱般的狂欢岛!?无论如何已经完全被冒险冲昏了头脑的路飞毫无思考的接受了男爵的试炼…

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