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09Jul2024 - 04:01 06 AM
Category :

Japan Anime

One Piece The Movie 9 海贼王电影版9
Code : 9555566200131
Price : MYR19.90 SGD9.45 USD7.76 RMB53.73 MYR15.92 / SGD7.56 / USD6.21 / RMB42.98
Weight :200 g
Genre :Boy Series Animation ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English , Malay ,
Language :Japanese ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :1
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD ,
Manufacturer :E.F Industries (M) Sdn Bhd ,

The movie is a retelling of the Drum Island arc with new music and animation. Vivi has been removed from the plot while both Nico Robin and Franky, who joined the crew after the Drum Island arc, have been added. The movie also has the Straw Hat's new ship, the Thousand Sunny. It has been stated that Oda will be creating a new character for this movie, Wapol's older brother, Mushul, who also appears to be a Devil Fruit user.


路飞海贼团继续着大航海————。 娜美突然因高烧而倒下了…。 为了寻找医生 路飞他们到达的是被称作医疗大国的磁鼓王国. 虽然他们想在磁鼓王国立刻寻找医生,但不知为何王国里的医生 就只有一名叫做Dr.库蕾哈的居住在多雪深山城堡中的"魔女"... 路飞背着娜美,前往雪山城堡!! 在途中,由于巨大兔子的袭击,引发了雪崩,虽然到达了山顶的城堡,但路飞他们已经精疲力尽. 救了他们的是跟着Dr.库蕾哈学习医术的一只蓝鼻子驯鹿"乔巴".正当路飞追问乔巴让他加入的时候,一发炮弹打入了城堡!! 舍弃了国家而逃走的极恶国王"瓦波尔"带着恶魔果实能力者的哥哥"姆休鲁"归来. Dr.库蕾哈为了抢回被攻占的城堡而开始了总攻!! 被瓦波尔打穿的海贼旗,是为乔巴起名的他唯一的挚友Dr.希鲁鲁克为了宣誓梦想而挂起的旗子. 路飞对着嘲笑并践踏别人梦想的瓦波尔怒吼. 「这不是像你这种随便嘿嘿傻笑一下就能折断的旗子!!」 倾注在海贼旗上的一个男人的激情,将要在这座岛上引发出奇迹——

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