A Wakening of a Trailblazer is the fourth ever original Gundam theatrical film, and it takes place in the time of the Mobile Suit Gundam 00 animated series. The film comes after two successful television series and a line of various spin-off products on different media platforms. A continuation of the television series, A Wakening of a Trailblazer takes place two years after the end of the second series, when the dangerous A-Laws have been defeated. Under the threat of a new alien race that will destroy the human race, The Celestial Beings are called to action once more to save the world. The first Gundam theatrical film in almost two decades, showrunners Kuroda Yusuke and Mizushima Seiji are out to impress fans with brand-new mobile suits and spectacular fights that will outdo anything in the television series.
Two years after the defeat of the A-Laws, the Earth Sphere Federation has carried a pacifist stance in its action. However, peace is not about to last as a powerful alien race takes over space station at Jupiter and sends it hurling towards the earth. After the debris fall down, strange events - such as human turning into metallic humanoids - begin to occur. As a reaction to these events, the ESF decides to call up the Celestial Beings to investigate. However, they're about to discover a devastating doomsday plan that even they may not be able to stop.