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22Feb2025 - 11:31 27 PM
Category :


Love Cuts 割爱
Code : 4734221630017
Price : MYR19.90 SGD9.45 USD7.76 RMB53.73 MYR15.92 / SGD7.56 / USD6.21 / RMB42.98
Weight :200 g
Staring :郑惠玉 , 何家劲 , 林咏谊 , 吴劲威 , 姚蕙敏 ,
Genre :Comedy / Love ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English , Malay ,
Language :Chinese/ Mandarin ,
Video Format :PAL ,
Discs :1
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD ,
Manufacturer :PMP Entertainment (M) Sdn Bhd ,

Jade is a cheery and vivacious seamstress, content with her life of regularity and stability. Diligent and keenly devoted to her art, Jade has earned a respectable reputation in the trade for her superb craftsmanship and exquisite style. Her tailor shop in Chinatown is modest and unassuming, yet distinctly in a class of its own, exuding a characteristic charm. Her husband is the captain of an acclaimed Chinese restaurant. Although somewhat discontented with life since his migration from Hong Kong to Singapore, he and Jade are a loving couple and enjoy a blissful marriage. They have a son who is going through a rebellious teenage phase, but otherwise a bright and earnest boy. Their daughter has a very close relationship with Jade and is a source of great cheer and comfort to her. In a twist of fate, an unexpected occurrence befalls their seemingly mediocre and uneventful lives. One day, as Jade takes a shower, she feels a hard lump in her left breast. A gush of complex emotions overwhelms her. Meanwhile, a sexy female model drops by Jade’s tailor shop. A random encounter blossoms into a life-transforming, albeit short friendship that will also impact her family ties. For her family, for herself, what is a woman to do when faced with seemingly futile circumstances and choices? Is her unwavering steadfastness and strong will enough to help her in creating precious and enduring memories with her children?


"性格開朗、樂觀的女裁縫玉,於牛車水經營裁縫店,規模不算大,卻親切大眾化,在熙熙攘攘的鬧市中擁有獨特風格,展現某種特有氣質,在業界也享有美譽,頗負盛名。結婚多年的丈夫是城中著名中菜館的領班,雖從香港移居新加坡後在生活上有些許怨言,但夫妻關係尚屬和諧恩愛。正值青春叛逆期的長子看似難以溝通,真品性卻是端正聰明,從未惹出大禍。幼女和母親的感情十分親密,是玉現階段生命中最大的精神慰籍。 不料,在看似貧乏無味的人生中,卻發生了一件重大轉折。玉某日洗澡時,摸著胸前一片硬塊,複雜思緒泉湧而來。間中,一位性感女模到了她店裡來,看似具衝突的相遇,展開了一段短暫卻改變生命觀的友誼,也影響了她與家人的關係。 一個女人,為了家庭,為了自己,需要做出什麼樣的割捨,才能爭取更多可貴的時光,給孩子留下永不磨滅的記憶?

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