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06Feb2025 - 02:01 02 AM
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TV HongKong

ONG KONG TVB DRAMA No Regrets 巾帼枭雄之义海豪情 Eps.1-32 End by Chan Ching-Yee 陈静仪 (HK09)
Code : 9555209007929
Price : MYR59.90 SGD28.45 USD23.36 RMB161.73 MYR47.92 / SGD22.76 / USD18.69 / RMB129.38
Weight :450 g
Staring :邓萃雯 , 黎耀祥 , 黄浩然 , 陈法拉 , 惠英红 , 岳华 , 谢雪心 , 敖嘉年 , 胡定欣 , 麦长青 , 金刚 / Sheren Tang , Wayne Lai , Mak Cheung-ching , Raymond Wong , Fala Chen ,
Director :Lee Tim-shing 李添胜 ,
Year :2010
Genre :Ancient Period , Detective / Action , Family / Love / Relationship , Others ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English , Malay ,
Language :Cantonese , Chinese/ Mandarin ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Audio Format :AUDIO STEREO ,
Discs :7
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD ,
Manufacturer :Multimedia Entertainment Sdn Bhd ,
Producer :HONG KONG TVB ,

Guangzhou is in a state of political turmoil in the 1930s. Gangsters are on a rampage and opium trading becomes rampant. As they watch the illicit profits from opium trading escalate, the government forms the Anti-Smoking Bureau under the guise of suppressing opium, but the bureau is under the influence of CHENG LONG-KWAN (Yueh Hua), the gang’s kingpin. His eldest daughter CHENG KAU-MUI (Sheren Tang) who is an unscrupulous person soon returns from Shanghai to reap the rewards. MUI meticulously plans her every move. On the other hand, LAU SING (Wayne Lai) is the leader of the Criminal Investigation Team. He has worked hard all his life to ensure an easy trail for his family, especially for his bed-ridden younger sister LAU CHING (Fala Chen). Despite his hot temper, he values friendship and brotherhood more than anything else. Once, he almost sacrificed his life to help his timid teammate, TONG KAT (Pierre Ngo). It is fated that MUI and SING should meet each other and survive many calamities. It is also fated that both are fierce contenders who will never give in, although mutual understanding and affection slowly grows between them. Meanwhile, the Japanese army invades China and Guangzhou falls into the hands of the Japanese. MUI enters the darkest time in her life when her aunt CHENG LONG-HEI (Susan Tse) frames her. Will SING always be by her side?


三十年代的广州,政局动荡,黑道横行。由于鸦片生意利润丰厚,当时政府设立禁烟局,名为禁烟,实则公然贩卖私烟。主治禁烟局的黑帮龙头郑朗军(岳华)的长女郑九妹(邓萃雯)突然从上海回来,希望染指鸦片生意,九妹为人心思慎密,做事心狠手辣。刑侦队长刘醒(黎耀祥)一生劳碌只求家人安稳过活,特别是身患重病的妹妹刘晴(陈法拉)最令他牵肠挂肚。刘醒性格暴躁,但为人重情重义,爱手足,爱邻里;在一次生死关头,为保胆小怕事的手下唐吉(敖嘉年)差点断送性命。 九妹与刘醒在人生轨迹上交错相遇,共同历经多次劫难,二人似是命中注定的天敌,彼此不退不让,却在不知不觉间培养了一份不言而喻的默契及微妙的感情关系。至后来日本侵华,广州沦陷,九妹被姑姐郑朗喜(谢雪心)设局陷害,刘醒伴著九妹共同渡过了人性最凶险的黑暗岁月……

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