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28Apr2024 - 10:24 45 AM
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Japan Anime

Sengoku 战国 Basara Season 1 & 2 Chapter 1 - 24 End
Code : 9528200062044
Price : MYR29.90 SGD14.20 USD11.66 RMB80.73 MYR23.92 / SGD11.36 / USD9.33 / RMB64.58
Weight :300 g
Genre :Boy Series Animation ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English , Malay ,
Language :Japanese ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :2
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD ,
Manufacturer :Animedia Entertainment ,

Sengoku 战国 Basara Season 1 Chapter 1 - 12 End
In the age of the Warring Countries, Japan was fragmented in semi-independent provinces, governed by feudal lords or daimyo, who confronted each other in an endless struggle for power. Ambitious daimyos from every corner of the Archipelago had shouted their battle cry. They were Takeda Shingen from Kai, Sanada Yukimura, Uesugi Kenshin from Echigo, Azai Nagamasa from Omi, Tokugawa Ieyasu from Mikawa, and many more...

《战国basara》动画剧情主要讲述在群雄割据的日本战国时代,在全国各地的势力,都对天下虎视眈眈。希望在乱世获取机遇的人不断增加,武将发动的战争不断,并迅速席卷全国各地。 战国武将的势力图正在日本地图迅速地画上又刷掉。 各个有名的猛将都想从战争中最凶猛贪婪,天下最强的第六天魔王“织田信长”的手中获得天下。 然而,有一名带领着无数骑兵,从北边来穿着蓝色衣服的独眼武将参入战争。这个男子就是奥羽的大名,独眼龙“伊达政宗” 他目的只有一个,就是“取下信长首级,统一全国!”“PARTY开始了!

Sengoku 战国 Basara Season 2 Chapter 1 - 12 End
The second season witnesses the emergence of Toyotomi Hideyoshi as the next potential unifier of the land, though unlike in actual history he has no connection to Nobunaga, whose retainers were almost entirely wiped out along with him by the end of the first season.

在与为了实现“天下布武”,用武力及恐怖的施政冷酷地蹂躏他国的第六天魔王・织田信长,以天下为赌注展开的死斗之后——武田与上杉,在两军历来的合战之地・川中岛,双方大名武田信玄与上杉谦信为了一决雌雄,继续展开着激烈的攻防战。  另一方面,在川中岛东侧,宿命对手的苍与红——伊达政宗与真田幸村,进行着期待已久的胜负之战。但就在此时突然收到了奇袭的来报。谜一般的大军将武田・上杉・伊达三军彻底地包围在川中岛之地。而率领着那个谜之军队的人……那是,在魔王・织田信长死后再次将日之本陷入大乱的战国霸王・丰臣秀吉。  战国乱世再度降临!!!



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