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22Feb2025 - 11:40 58 PM
Category :


Kidnapper 绑匪
Code : 4734221400016
Price : MYR19.90 SGD9.45 USD7.76 RMB53.73 MYR15.92 / SGD7.56 / USD6.21 / RMB42.98
Weight :200 g
Staring :李铭顺 , 林德荣 , 陈杰乐 , 郭妃丽 ,
Genre :Detective / Action ,
Subtitle :Chinese Simplified/简体文字 , Chinese Traditional/繁体文字 , English , Malay ,
Language :Chinese/ Mandarin ,
Video Format :PAL ,
Discs :1
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD ,
Manufacturer :PMP Entertainment (M) Sdn Bhd ,

A woman who loses her hus­band is called a widow. A man who loses his wife is called a wid­ow­er. A child who loses his par­ents is called an or­phan. What do you call a par­ent who loses his child? Kid­nap­per tells the story of a fa­ther who de­fies all odds and moves heav­en and earth to res­cue his kid­napped son. Lim (Christo­pher Lee), a strug­gling and ob­nox­ious 40-year-old taxi-driv­er. His wife left him years ago and ever since then it has just been him and his son Wei Siang. Mis­tak­en for a rich mans son, Wei Siang is kid­napped at a shop­ping mall one day and held for an enor­mous ran­som. Thus be­gins one fa­thers re­lent­less quest to get his son back. In the pro­cess, he gives up ev­ery­thing in his life to raise the ran­som, only to dis­cov­er that the ne­far­i­ous kid­nap­per wants even more money. Un­able to raise the sec­ond ran­som, Lim de­scends into mad­ness as grief and self-doubt over­whelms him. In a des­per­ate at­tempt to get his son back Lim is will­ing to do any­thing in order to out­smart the Kid­nap­per.


新加坡,今时今日。今天一如往常地不顺利,癫狂的乘客,没完没了的电话、敏锐的交警,全都与他作对,导致林盛发无法抵达学校接儿子放学。父亲临时有事不能接他放学,对于十岁的伟祥来说就早已习惯了。伟祥决定与同学耀龙到电动中心游荡。身为百万富翁之子的耀龙,头上一定戴着他那顶抢眼的幸运帽。玩游戏期间,耀龙将幸运帽戴在伟祥头上,此时伟祥却被却被绑匪阿虎误以为是耀龙而被拐走了。 阿虎致电向耀龙的父亲勒索赎金时,才发现自己竟然绑到一个的士司机的儿子。但他不可能白白地放了伟祥。他以伟祥的性命威胁盛发拿出五十万来赎儿子。盛发千辛万苦终于筹到赎金,但却被阿虎耍弄,跑遍了全岛交出了赎金后,不但没有释放伟祥,还把一个装有伟祥鲜血的瓶子交给盛发,变本加厉地再度索取多五十万。 无助的盛发顿时奔溃,发狂了起来,他所面临的困境已逐渐让他丧失人性,这场游戏也开始复杂起来...。

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