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14Mar2025 - 02:28 33 PM
Category :


AfterShock 唐山大地震
Code : 4734221480018
Price : MYR19.90 SGD9.45 USD7.76 RMB53.73 MYR15.92 / SGD7.56 / USD6.21 / RMB42.98
Weight :200 g
Staring :徐帆 , 陈道明 , 张静初 , 陆毅 , 李晨 , 张子枫 , 张家骏 , 陈瑾 ,
Genre :Others ,
Subtitle :Chinese Simplified/简体文字 , Chinese Traditional/繁体文字 , English , Malay ,
Language :Chinese/ Mandarin ,
Video Format :PAL ,
Discs :1
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD ,
Manufacturer :PMP Entertainment (M) Sdn Bhd ,

When a mother is informed by the rescue team that, as her 7-year old twins are buried under the debris close to each other, digging one out would result in further collapse of the wreckage on the other, she is forced to make the most difficult decision of her life. As the clock ticked away, she finally ended her struggle and chose to save the boy, and though heartbroken, she had no idea her decision was overheard by the daughter. Deemed as a dead person, the little girl miraculously survived and was rescued after being buried for days. Suffering from the emotional shock of the disaster and the painful memory of her mother’s choice, she refused to reveal who she was. She was adopted by a young couple and later moved to the US, but shadowed by the traumatic experience from her childhood; she forever remained emotionally closed up.


1969年,卡车司机方大强在祈祷中迎来了自己的龙凤胎儿女:方登、方达。妻子李元妮差点因为难产送命,好在母子平安,一家人欢喜地离开医院,从此过上普通却幸福的生活。时间走到1976年,唐山这个中型工业城市,一家人虽然只拥有很小的空间,却温馨和睦。姐姐方登明显比弟弟方达要活泼,方大强经常出门在外,好不容易回来一次,姐弟俩都特别高兴。7月的一... 1969年,卡车司机方大强在祈祷中迎来了自己的龙凤胎儿女:方登、方达。妻子李元妮差点因为难产送命,好在母子平安,一家人欢喜地离开医院,从此过上普通却幸福的生活。时间走到1976年,唐山这个中型工业城市,一家人虽然只拥有很小的空间,却温馨和睦。姐姐方登明显比弟弟方达要活泼,方大强经常出门在外,好不容易回来一次,姐弟俩都特别高兴。7月的一个傍晚,方大强回到了自己的家,在社区外的马路上,方大强和元妮躲在卡车上亲热,突然——地震了。   为救孩子,方大强死了,方登和方达被同一块楼板压在两边,无论人们想救哪一个,都要放弃另一个。元妮选择了从小体弱多病的弟弟方达,而头脑清醒的方登听到了母亲作出的抉择。震后,元妮独自抚养着儿子,选择坚强地活下去,劫后余生的方登被军人王德清夫妇领养,进入了一个全新的世界。母女、姐弟从此天各一方,直到32年后的汶川大地震,他们的生命轨迹才重新走到一起……

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