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24Jun2024 - 08:03 03 PM
Category :

Japan Anime

Heroman 英雄 Vol.1 - 26 End by Stan Lee 史丹·李 (A16)
Code : 9528200061900
Price : MYR33.90 SGD16.10 USD13.22 RMB91.53 MYR27.12 / SGD12.88 / USD10.58 / RMB73.22
Weight :300 g
Director :Ota Tamon 太田多門 ,
Year :2010
Genre :Boy Series Animation ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English , Malay ,
Language :Japanese ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Audio Format :AUDIO STEREO ,
Discs :3
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD ,
Manufacturer :Animedia Entertainment ,
Producer :ANIME 动漫 ,

An American kid named Joey lives in an urban city & has always wanted to become a hero. Unfortunately he's just an orphan working part time to support his grandma and himself. After he watched a toy commercial on a new robot action figure, Joey believe he'll gain strength if he obtains one. The only robot toy he can get his hands on is a broken one that was abandon by a rich school bully. Feeling pity for the trashed action figure, Joey took it home to repair it. Little did he know, that once he repairs the toy, it'll make his hero dream become a reality.


在美国西海岸的中心城市,憧憬着HERO的少年Joey一边打工,一边和祖母二人快乐地生活。某天,Joey捡到了一个破烂机器人玩具并着手修理它,然后为它起名叫“HEROMAN”。之后的某天夜晚,一度强力的闪电击中了 Joey家,机器人玩具被雷光包围,化身成一个拥有电击能力的巨大机器人“HEROMAN”。然后,迷之生命体也开始了对地球的侵略。

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