One day Black Jack, considered by many the greatest surgeon who ever lived, recieves a call from his father, who abandoned him and his mother decades ago, asking for his help. Since then his life entered in a turmoil as a mysterious organization blew away his house, in an attempt to kill him.
根據"漫畫之神"手塚治蟲的"神作"《怪醫秦博士》改編的TV動畫,將在4月份推出新番系列,名字也被更換為《BLACK JACK 21》!危機接連不斷的爆發,充滿冒險和刺激的曆程再次展開!這次的"旅程"里將為大家展現秦博士誕生的秘密……強力的對手,暗中幫助秦博士的朋友都將一一現身,最新的醫學技術,醫療知識將在此次作品中上演!