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22Feb2025 - 11:29 16 PM
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English Anime

80 Days Around The World With Willy Fog Chapter 1-26 End 维利福格80天环游世界 (A1)
Code : 9528200082295
Price : MYR19.90 SGD9.45 USD7.76 RMB53.73 MYR15.92 / SGD7.56 / USD6.21 / RMB42.98
Weight :200 g
Director :Luis Ballester ,
Year :1983
Genre :Others ,
Language :English ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Audio Format :AUDIO STEREO ,
Discs :1
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD9 ,
Manufacturer :Perniagaan Impian Seni ,
Producer :ANIME 动漫 ,

As he has done every morning since he moved into Savile Row, Willy Fog awakens at 8.00am and rings for his manservant, only to remember that he fired him the previous day for his inability to follow Fog's precise schedule. He has already arranged an interview for a replacement - former circus performer Rigodon, who is even now rushing towards Fog's house to make his 11.00am appointment. Rigodon is accompanied by his old circus colleague Tico, who hides within his travelling bag, and prompts him through the interview, which gets off to a bad start when Rigodon arrives four minutes late. Nonetheless, Rigodon is hired by Fog as his butler, and soon departs for the Reform Club.


1872年的伦敦,一名叫福格的绅士和朋友们在俱乐部里闲聊时,扬言自己“能够在八十天内周游世界”,并以两万镑打赌。   福格匆匆带着随从巴斯帕图,乘坐一艘气球船来到法国南方,原想搭上火车,后来看到火车挤得无法开出,又乘气球船赶到西班牙。凑巧碰上斗牛表演,两人宁可耽误,也要大饱眼福。   正当他们去瑞士时,不料被伦敦警察厅的密探盯上。原来福格离开伦敦不久,那里发生了一宗抢劫银行案,两人被涉嫌,密探们一路跟踪过来。福格他们只好逃到印度,搭救了准备殉情而死的奥达公主,三人成了旅伴。他们横渡大西洋,千里迢迢来到旧金山,穿过北美大陆,终于抵达纽约。哪料去英国的定期班次的轮船刚刚驶出港口,三人晚了一步。离开期限只有几天了,福格倾囊买了一艘飞艇,越过波涛汹涌的大西洋,降落在英国本土上。然而迎接他们的却是一场空欢喜:等候已九的警察将三人锒铛入狱。   打赌的80天快要到了,福格花了很大劲,费了许多口舌,向警方证明自己无罪,才获准回家。奥达公主倾心于他的勇敢和机智,两人准备结婚。就在举行婚礼前一天,也就在80天的最后一天,福格来到了俱乐部,众友大吃一惊,福格打赌赢了,又娶了个漂亮老婆。但他的旅费正好是两万镑,赢的钱等于没拿……

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