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05Feb2025 - 11:03 31 PM
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Confucius 孔子
Code : 9555209005963
Price : MYR19.90 SGD9.45 USD7.76 RMB53.73 MYR15.92 / SGD7.56 / USD6.21 / RMB42.98
Weight :200 g
Staring :周潤發 , 周迅 , 陸毅 , 任泉 ,
Director :胡玫 ,
Genre :Ancient Period , Detective / Action ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English , Malay ,
Language :Chinese/ Mandarin ,
Discs :1
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD ,
Manufacturer :Multimedia Entertainment Sdn Bhd ,

The great stories of Confucius (551BC-479BC) are brought to life in the 2010 epic historical film made by 5th-generation director Hu Mei and her sparkling cast and crew. Hong Kong superstar Chow Yun Fat has played heroes, gangsters, and all sorts of cool characters throughout his career, but his latest turn as the influential Chinese thinker and wise teacher may just be the pinnacle on his illustrious resume. Chow's subdued but affecting portrayal of Confucius is a breakthrough for himself, and that owes in part to his chemistry with his exceptional co-stars, including Zhou Xun (The Banquet), Lu Yi (Seven Swords), Ren Quan (Assembly), and Qiao Zhenyu (The Book and the Sword). Kudos must also be bestowed on Oscar-winning cinematographer Peter Pau (Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon) for bringing Chow's Confucius to life on the big screen. Director Hu Mei is best known for her acclaimed historical TV drama series like Yong Zheng Dynasty and The Emperor in Han Dynasty. Here, she has chosen a special angle in tackling the compelling biography of the Great Sage. Set in the chaotic and decadent world of the warring states during the Spring and Autumn Period, the film focuses on the turbulent later years of Confucius's life, specifically from his appointment to political office at 51 to his death at 73, and all the dramatic stories in between. 近年興起的孔熱,中國第五代導演胡玫把至聖先師孔子的一生傳奇搬上大銀幕,國際巨星周潤發演活古今中外最具影響力的思想哲學家—儒家宗師孔夫子,更集合中國強大的台前幕後團隊,演員包括《夜宴》周迅、《七劍》陸毅、任泉、姚櫓和陳建斌,聯同奧斯卡金像獎攝影大師鮑德熹,將兩千五百年前孔子與弟子周遊列國和群雄爭霸的歷史故事,活現銀幕,並以頂尖特效,重現春秋亂世。 曾打造《雍正王朝》、《漢武大帝》、《喬家大院》等電視界大作的導演胡玫,在《孔子:決戰春秋》以周室沒落、禮崩樂壞、諸侯割據的春秋為背景,集中描寫孔子51歲出任魯國中都宰一直到他73歲病逝的經歷,把歷史中齊魯夾谷會盟、墮三都、周遊列國、子見南子、陳蔡被圍、孔子回國、韋編三絕的戲劇性情節重現,立體地呈現出孔聖人坦途坎坷的一生。 周潤發突破以往的演出,挑戰聖人角色,精湛內斂的演技令人動容。片中由影后周迅飾演春秋時期艶驚天下的衛國大美人南子,孔子會南子的場面最見戲劇性。孔子的三大弟子子路、子貢和顏回由李文波、闞金明、任泉,春秋三大諸侯由姚櫓演魯定公,馬精武演齊景公,華彦君演衛靈公,魯國三桓由王斑演引薦孔子的孟孫氏,陳建斌和陸毅為季孫斯父子,其他角色還有許還山演老子,凱麗、陳瑞和喬振宇為孔子妻子和兒女。


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