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26Dec2024 - 07:39 13 PM
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Japan Anime

Initial D 头文字 D Stage 1-3+Extra Stage 1-2
Code : 9528200061283
Price : MYR49.90 SGD23.70 USD19.46 RMB134.73 MYR39.92 / SGD18.96 / USD15.57 / RMB107.78
Weight :300 g
Director :Shinji Kofukada , Tsuneo Tominaga ,
Genre :Sport Series ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English , Malay ,
Language :Cantonese , Japanese ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :4
Model :DVD5 , DVD9 ,
Manufacturer :Animedia Entertainment ,

Initial.D 1st Stage Takumi Fujiwara is an 18 year old highschool student who usually appears aloof and disinterested in most things. Along with his best friend Itsuki, they both work at a gas station. They are friends with a young man named Iketani, leader of the Speedstars (a local racing team) and their manager Yuiichi. 居住在群马县涉川市的藤原拓海乃是一名普通的高中生……至少在他18岁以前是这样的。这一日,经常喜欢发呆的拓海与好友武内树在加油站打工。树向拓海游说两人合力买辆10年前的旧款汽车“86”(丰田TRUENOGTAPEX),这样就可以一起到秋名山去飚车。 Initial.D 2nd Stage Following his victory over RedSuns leader Ryosuke Takahashi, AE86 driver Takumi Fujiwara is challenged by the Lancer EVO-based "Emperor," a group known for taking decals of racing teams they defeat, cutting them up and placing them on their cars like a fighter plane kill board. Takumi's undefeated streak is on the line as his AE86 is virtually no match against the more powerful and more agile four-wheel-drive EVOs of the Emperor team. 《头文字D》的第二部着重突出拓海的成长,当然不乏激烈的挑战。最经典的要数赤诚和依吕波山路两位老大的比拼。年轻的拓海在爱情上触了礁,在输给国王车队的lanEvo 3后,拓海遇到了人生的挫折,对自己和AE86产生了怀疑,AE86真的有足够的实力吗? Initial.D 3nd Stage A few months before graduating from high school, Takumi is approached by RedSuns leader Ryosuke Takahashi and offered to join him in forming an expeditionary racing team and challenge other teams outside the Gunma Prefecture. Before coming up with an answer to the proposal, Takumi seeks retribution by issuing a rematch to Emperor leader Kyouichi Sudou, who previously defeated him due to an engine failure. He is also challenged by Kai Kogashiwa, a second-generation street racer whose father was once a fierce rival of Takumi's father Bunta. Meanwhile, Natsuki tries to mend her friendship with Takumi during the Christmas season, but the situation goes wrong when her ex-boyfriend Miki returns to town. 秋天来了。秋名86改装了涡轮增压引擎并击败了秋山涉之后的某一天,高桥凉介突然来访,并向拓海提出了加盟的邀请,希望能集合群马县的高手,向全国的山路进行挑战(这就是Third Stage最着名的Project D啦……),拓海犹豫着,并没有马上答应高桥凉介的邀请,他觉得在自己还有其它的一些事情需要解决。首先,拓海前往日光,挑战帝皇队的须藤京一,进行了激烈的比赛,在那曲折迂回的伊波吕山道上,先行的拓海并没有让须藤京一超越,似乎是拓海赢了,但是拓海认为自己仅仅是与须藤京一打成平手,而这就让他感到很满足了。几天之后,同样是日光的车手小柏前来秋名对拓海进行挑战。小柏本来的对手是须藤京一,但是却被拓海抢先打败了,所以小柏自然将目标转移到拓海上。同时,小柏的父亲与拓海的父亲竟然是老对手!一场两代人之间的恩怨就在伊波吕山道上展开……小柏利用山道的转角进行跳跃(就是从上面的山道,不走正确的行车线,而直接利用高度差跃过转角到下一条山道)在中段超越了拓海,但是拓海迅速掌握了这种疯狂的行驶方法,在最后一段的路程中以沟渠行车法赶上与小柏并行,在终点前,小柏的赛车因为路面的落叶而打滑,拓海仅以一线之差赢得这场比赛…… Initial.D 4rd Stage Takumi Fujiwara and brothers Keisuke and Ryousuke Takahashi have formed "Project D," a racing team aimed at bringing their driving skills to their full potential outside their prefecture. Using the internet, Project D issues challenges to other racing teams and posts results of their races. Managed by Ryousuke, the team has Takumi engaging in downhill battles with his AE86, while Keisuke challenges opponents uphill. Among their rivals are the Seven-Star Leaf (SSR) and Todo-juku. Meanwhile, Takumi is caught off-guard on Mount Akina when he encounters his father Bunta and his newly acquired Subaru Impreza WRX Type R Version V. 终于到了春天,高中毕业了,竹内树成为了GS油站的正式员工,茂木夏树到了东京读书,而拓海在秋名湖边,向茂木夏树说出自己希望成为职业车手,向最快最强的赛车手进军的理想……Project D计划……正逐渐的开展当中…… Initial.D Extra Stage 1 he Lancer EVO-driving group "Emperor" have defeated every racing team they've met in the Gunma region. Now they're out to challenge the duo of Mako and Sayuki and their SilEighty - the Impact Blue of Usui Mountain. Initial.D Extra Stage 2 This new OVA I think probably takes place sometime during or after 4th stage, or whenever Takumi is off doin his Project D business, and will follow Iketani as he tries to make up and reconnect with Mako once again, after not being able to make it to their promised arranged meeting back in the First Stage.


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