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06Oct2024 - 11:32 52 PM
Category :

Japan Anime

Golden Corda Primo Passo Vol.1-25 End+Golden Corda Second Pass Vol.1-2 End+Sound Track
Code : 9555329234076
Price : MYR39.90 SGD18.95 USD15.56 RMB107.73 MYR31.92 / SGD15.16 / USD12.45 / RMB86.18
Weight :300 g
Director :於地紘仁 ,
Genre :School Series ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English , Malay ,
Language :Japanese ,
Discs :2
Model :CD + DVD9 ,
Manufacturer :Lambaian Filem ,

Hino goes to a school that specialises in music and has two streams: the normal stream and the music stream, where the music students are regarded as the more elite. She was running late for her class one day when she saw a tiny fairy, who seemed really excited that she could see it. The next day, the entrants in the music competition, who are decided by the school, are announced. Hino's name appears on the list - except she doesn't play an instrument. The fairy gives her a magical violin that can be played by anyone. Reluctantly, she enters into the competition and is forced to deal with the prejudices of her peers. 星奏学院分为音乐科和普通科,日野香穗子意外被选为院内演奏会的参赛者。这个比赛无法报名参加,必须经由特殊管道——即看得见传说中的妖精的人,才能参加。练习了好一阵子,星奏学院音乐会终于到了。怀着紧张的心情,香穗子在后台等待着上场。就快轮到她了,伴奏却迟迟不见人影,她急忙到处寻找,好不容易看见伴奏,却听到她正在讲手机,告诉朋友打算放香穗子鸽子,因为对香穗子这样只是一介普通科学生,竟然能登台表演,感到非常不满。在不得已、无伴奏的情情之下登台表演,幸好同为普通科的土浦仗义帮忙,得以渡过这次难关。虽然是这么惊险,名次发表当然敬陪末座了。不久合宿集训来临,这群各有特色的参赛者各自怀着心思,透过合宿生活,增进彼此的认识。


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