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09Mar2025 - 10:43 53 AM
Category :

Children Education System

Children Programmer Initiation English 启蒙英语2
Code : 4918800001454
Price : MYR59.90 SGD28.45 USD23.36 RMB161.73 MYR47.92 / SGD22.76 / USD18.69 / RMB129.38
Weight :300 g
Genre :Academic / Education / Learning ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English ,
Language :English ,
Discs :3
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD9 ,
Manufacturer :Phoneix Entertainment Trading ,

Disc 4.色彩/音乐/学校/数学/自然 1.无用的士兵 The vanishing private 2.布鲁托的五胞胎 Pluto's Quin-Puples 3.布鲁托的梦幻之屋 Pluto's Dream House 4.借个抓子 Lend a Paw 5.音乐会 The Band Cocert 6.米奇的大歌剧 Mickey's Grand Opera 7.魔术师米奇 Magician Mickey 8.交响乐时间 Symphony hour 等... Disc 5.身体/表情用语/行为/运动 1.唐老鸭当兵 Donald gets drafted 2.现代发明 Modem inventions 3.布鲁托的鵻鸟 Pluto's fledgling 4.米奇迟来的约会 Mickey's Delayed Date 5.寂寞的鬼魂 Lonesome Ghosts 6.米奇到下面 Mickey down under 7.自我控制 Self control 8.鸭子康复 Cured duck 等... Disc 6.交通工具/地理环境/方位/反义词 1.米奇遇上情敌 Mickey's Rrival 2.拖船米奇 Tugboat Mickey 3.米老鼠先生去旅游 Mr Mouse Takes A Trip 4.塑料发明者 The Plastics inventor 5.阿尔卑斯山攀登者 Alpine Climbers 6.极地捕手 Polar trappers 7.鸭子突击队 Commando duck 8.夏威夷假日 Hawaiian Holiday 等...


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