Now Utau has left Easter and restarted her singing career, while Ikuto still remains at Easter. To replace Utau Easter hires a new character, Lulu. Lulu has the power to create question mark eggs, instead of x-eggs. Throughout this season we start to see all the love interests more so then in the first season. Tadase and Amu seem to be a couple now, but they have their problem, especially when Amu starts hiding Ikuto in her room.
每個人的心裡都蘊藏著一個理想中的自己,守護甜心以這個想法為主,敘述每個孩子心中都有一顆「心靈之蛋」,裡面孕育著理想中的自己的可能性。就讀聖夜學園小學五年級的主角日奈森亞夢是別人眼中的酷女孩,大家總是以「Cool & Spicy(又酷又火辣)」來形容亞夢,但事實上亞夢只是個不擅長表達和內向的普通女孩,卻受到外在形象的束縛無法表現出真正的自己。在亞夢的祈禱後,亞夢心中的心靈之蛋出現了。並且孕育出了亞夢理想中自己的縮影 ─ 守護甜心。