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06Oct2024 - 11:24 56 PM
Category :

Japan Anime

Bleach The Movie 2 :The DiamondDust Rebellion
Code : 9555329103365
Price : MYR23.90 SGD11.35 USD9.32 RMB64.53 MYR19.12 / SGD9.08 / USD7.46 / RMB51.62
Weight :250 g
Genre :Boy Series Animation ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English , Malay ,
Language :Japanese ,
Discs :1
Model :DVD ,
Manufacturer :VBG Network Sdn Bhd ,

A valuable artifact known as "King's Seal" is stolen by a mysterious group of people during transport in Soul Society. Hitsugaya Toushiro, the 10th division captain of Gotei 13, who is assigned to transport the seal fights the leader of the group and shortly after goes missing. After the incident, Seireitei declares Hitsugaya a traitor and orders the capture and execution of Hitsugaya. Kurosaki Ichigo refuses to believe this, and along with Matsumoto Rangiku, Kuchiki Rukia and Abarai Renji swear to uncover the real mastermind of the stolen seal, find Hitsugaya and clear his name. Meanwhile, a rogue Hitsugaya searches for the perpetrators and uncovers a dark secret regarding a long dead shinigami. 日番谷帶領的十番隊在運送秘寶“王印”時遭襲,“王印”被奪,而日番谷在與襲擊主謀者交手中突然離隊,行蹤不明。 幾日之後,一護等人在現世接到“日番谷逃亡”的報告,對此十分懷疑。不久,受傷的日番谷被發現後送至黑崎醫院。而在黑崎醫院恢復意識的日番谷卻什麼也不願說。最終,一護和日番谷動起了手。戰鬥之時,突如其來的神秘的“虛”闖入來迎接日番谷,日番谷也不加以否認。因受到衝擊而路出破綻的一護,也因此敗北。 受傷的一護被露西亞和戀次所就。兩人是受十番隊副隊長亂菊所托秘密前來尋找日番谷的。沿著日番谷留下的叫做“草冠”的“虛”的線索,一護等人開始追查。戀次從八番隊隊長京樂春水處得知從前有個叫做“草冠”的死神,但是“草冠”早已經死了。 更為令人疑惑的是,春水之後不知被何人襲擊而受重傷。而在現場留下了冰輪丸攻擊後的痕跡。與此同時,被派遣到現世的日番谷搜索隊被日番谷本人擊退。 出於對日番谷越來越深的疑慮,死神高層下達了將日番谷處刑的命令。 日番谷真的背叛了嗎? 神秘的“虛”究竟是? 王印中所隱藏的秘密是? 將死神所捲入的戰鬥現在開始。


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