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07Oct2024 - 10:13 50 AM
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Japan Anime

Fruits Basket DVD vol.1-26end 水果篮 水果篮 DVD vol.1-26end Fruits Basket
Code : D (ZB)
Price : MYR39.90 SGD18.95 USD15.56 RMB107.73 MYR31.92 / SGD15.16 / USD12.45 / RMB86.18
Weight :300 g
Genre :Girl Series Animation ,
Subtitle :English , Chinese ,
Language :Japanese ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :3
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD ,
Manufacturer : ,

Fruits Basket follows the life of the student Tohru Honda, who was recently orphaned when her mother, Kyoko Honda, died in a car accident. After that, Tohru lived with her grandfather, but when remodeling is needed on the house, Tohru resorts to living in a tent and holds down a job to support herself. Despite suffering many hardships, Tohru remains her optimistic self.

One day, Tohru comes upon a house in the forest that she is temporarily living in which is the home of Shigure Sohma and fellow classmate Yuki Sohma, of the Sohma family. When the Sohmas discover that Tohru is living in a tent, they are quite surprised by her inner strength. The entire area is Sohma property, and Tohru pleads to live upon the property in her quaint tent (affectionately dubbed "her castle"). Feeling sorry for her, and desperate to end their days of filthy living conditions, the Sohmas offer her their spare room in exchange for cooking and housework. When her tent is buried that night in a landslide, burying her mother's picture and school clothes, she has no option but to accept. Soon after she moves in, Kyo Sohma comes to challenge Yuki.

Tohru soon discovers the Sohma family's secret, and the reason why Yuki is so private and secretive at school: thirteen members of the family are possessed by the 12 animal spirits of the Chinese Zodiac ("Jyūnishi" in Japanese) and the spirit of the cat who was left out of the Zodiac according to legend. They transform into animals when hugged by the opposite gender, when they are under a great amount of stress, or weak in any way (such as being sick). When she promises to keep their secret, the Sohmas allow Tohru to keep her memories rather than hypnotically erasing them, a fate that had previously befallen anyone not on the "Inside" of the Sohma family who had discovered the secret.

The story follows the lives of Tohru and the Sohma family, as they deal with each other and a society where neither quite fits in, as well as the feared Akito Sohma, head of the Sohma family. Soon, after living with the Sohma family she began to like, then love all of the Sohmas.

Region Code: All

Picture Format: NTSC





英文名称:Fruits Basket




有点脱线,不过是个積极,活泼的女孩,喜欢十二生肖故事中的貓。偶然间遇到草摩 由希與草摩紫吳,得知了草摩家族的秘密,从此与草摩家族往來频繁,并发生了许多有趣的故事。除此之外,故事中許多的角色,包括草摩家的人们,都因为小透,而改变了自己。


为了进入十二生肖,而发誓打倒草摩 由希的少年。个性坦率,对小透頗有好感。本身为一只貓怪,藉由一串佛珠封印住。


本田 透的同学,在学校中是如同王子般的存在。嗜好:家里钟菜。小时候在草摩家有着不愉快的记忆,畏懼草摩慊人,想要逃离草摩家。小时候曾幫助过小透,并且将帽子給了她,而小透到现在都还保留着那顶帽子。





双重性格,发飆时会变成极疯狂的黑色潑春(黑春),什么事都做得出來,变回白色潑春(白春)后,会啥事也不记得(他自己的说法)。与草摩 红叶同样就读高中一年级。喜欢找草摩夾单挑,不过似乎是草摩夾比较強?








女主角本田透,因为母亲在一场车祸中去世,为了自力更生而住在帐篷棚中,但却不知道,她所住的位置,居然是被十二生肖所� {咒的草摩家族的土地上。而在一次偶然的机会之中,身为作家的草摩紫吳和小透的同班同学草摩由希在晚餐回家的途中,在山中遇到了因身體不舒服而回到帐棚休息的小透……故事就這樣開始了!

由於草摩家族的� {咒,故事中姓草摩的十二生肖在碰到常人都会变身成动物。而故事主要叫側重於描寫小透與草摩 夾(貓)、草摩由希(鼠)的關係之上。隨着時间的流逝,他們二人都漸漸对小透产生了好感。而小透也时常会以身为朋友的立场鼓励、安慰、或是与他們谈谈心事。陆陆续续地,他們遇上了草摩家族的其他生肖,如沉默冷酷的草摩 波鳥(龍)、天真活泼的草摩 紅葉(兔)、双重性格的草摩 潑春(牛)、幽默風趣的草摩綾女(蛇)……等等的生肖。虽然位居草摩家族核心地位的草摩慊人对知道草摩家族祕密的小透始终怀有戒心,但却並未伤害她。有一天,小透发现了草摩夾一個惊人的祕密……

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