Kyon, your typical high school student, has long given up his belief in the supernatural. However, upon meeting Haruhi Suzumiya, he quickly finds out that it is the supernatural that she is interested in; aliens, time travelers and espers among other things. When Haruhi laments about the lack of intriguing clubs around school, Kyon inspires Haruhi to form her own club. As a result, the SOS Brigade is formed, a club which specializes in all that is the supernatural.
东中毕业 凉宫春日我对普通的人类没有兴趣 在座各位之中 要是有外星人、未来人、异世界来客、超能力者的话 便尽管来找我吧 完毕!!!以此为开端凉宫春日与她的SOS团的轰轰烈烈的故事正式开始了...但凉宫其实是个非常认真的人,观察她也成为了我的习惯。没想到就在我觉得日子过得太平淡时,周遭突然发生了变化。“本作的男主角,因为座位在凉宫春日前面,而”不幸“被卷入了凉宫春日在校内组成了一个奇怪团体??SOS团,脱离常轨的校园故事堂堂揭幕?!