Chapter 1 - 12 End
After losing a family to bandits during a night raid, Kanu swears she will not let others share the pain she experienced that night. She quickly becomes a well-known and feared by villains bandit hunter. During her journey she comes across others, who wish to join her in her cause. One of them is a girl named Rin Rin, who had similar experience with bandits in the past.
于2007年初发售的人气美少女PC Game「恋姬无双」,是一款故事题材与「一骑当千」类似的恶搞三国历史的作品。游戏中登场的角色就有关羽、张飞等三十多位被美少女的形象化的武将,故事主要讲述她们集结到主角北乡一刀的身边,在乱世争斗、群雄争霸的战场上演绎的一场场波澜壮阔的爱情故事……
Koihime†Mosou re-imagines the classic Chinese historical novel Romance of the Three Kingdoms in action/love comedy form with an all-female cast. After losing a family to bandits during a night raid, Kanu swears she will not let others share the pain she experienced that night. She quickly becomes a well-known and feared by villains bandit hunter. During her journey she comes across others, who wish to join her in her course. One of them is a girl named Rin Rin, who had similar experience with bandits...
时为汉末……时代的流淌逐渐泛起波澜。乱世中,为野心而养精促锐者、企一展雄图者、为该守护之物而战斗者…… 这样,拥有不同梦想的人被命运的蚕丝牵结。缔结成姊妹的关羽和张飞。 究竟,有何物在其前行之路上等待着呢?“吾名为关羽。与吾一起平定此乱世吧!”