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06Oct2024 - 11:17 23 PM
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Japan Anime

Sailormoon Collection 200 Chapters DVD
Code : 9528200061207
Price : MYR99.90 SGD47.45 USD38.96 RMB269.73 MYR79.92 / SGD37.96 / USD31.17 / RMB215.78
Weight :350 g
Genre :Girl Series Animation ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English ,
Language :Japanese ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :10
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD9 ,
Manufacturer :E.F Industries (M) Sdn Bhd ,

Sailor Moon Chapter 1-46
One day, Usagi Tsukino, clumsy 2nd-year middle school student, stumbles upon a talking cat named Luna. Luna tells her that she is destined to be Sailor Moon, "champion of love and justice", and she must search for the fabled Moon Princess. Usagi finds friends that turn out to be destined senshi as well, and together they fight to save the world from the certain doom brought upon by the Dark Kingdom (Queen Beryl, the generals, Metallia).
主角月野兔是個個性迷糊又愛哭的中學二年級女生,有一天在如同家常便飯的上學遲到趕路途中,救了一隻額頭上有著月印的黑貓露娜,露娜看著救了她的阿兔,似乎起了什麼想法…… 一如往常,阿兔在學校又接到了不及格的考卷,在與同學奈留以及海野訴苦的時候聊到了最近時常出現打擊邪惡的正義使者Sailor V,奈留還提到他的媽媽所開的珠寶店裡正展開珠寶特賣會,並且邀請阿兔前去看看散心。

Sailor Moon R Chapter 1-43 End
Sailor Moon R is split into two different arcs. During episodes 47-59, space aliens Ail and An,disguised as normal students, arrive on the planet.During episodes 60-88, Sailor Moon and the senshi fight against the black Moon family(Rubeus, Dimando, Saphir, Esmeraude,Wiseman,etc.). We find out that Dimando is in love with Princess Serenity, and he wants her for himself. Chibi-Usa also arrivers.
故事发生在前作“黑暗王国”被消灭的两个月后,美少女战士们仿佛忘却了那段记忆,与她们之间那段深刻的友情,作为一个普通的女孩子过著各自的生活。 但无忧无虑的时光对她们而言总是相当短暂,一株漂流在宇宙间的神秘植物魔界树的突然降临,为好不容易平静的地球与战士们再度掀起了波澜;如同宿命般再度背负起保卫地球责任的美少女战士们,能找回那段失去的友情与保护地球的决心吗?!对阿兔而言,能再与阿卫重新找回那段刻骨铭心的爱情吗?!

Sailor Moon S Chapter 1-38 End
Sailor Moon and the senshi are up against a new set of villains: the Death Busters (Professor Tomoe, Kaorinite, the Witches 5, Mistress 9, Pharaoh 90). The Death Busters plan to rule the world by using the energy from the pure heart crystals of innocent victims, but Sailor Moon and the senshi must stop them. The outer senshi (Neptune, Uranus, Pluto, Saturn), also make an appearance, although Pluto appeared briefly in Sailor Moon R.
在上次的事件结束後,豆钉兔挥别了众人回到了未来世界;而归於和平的现实世界,也像时间停止般的渡过了平静的每一天。 时光如梭,小兔等人升上了中学三年级,为了高中入学考试,她们聚在小玲家,组织了一个读书会,为了进入理想的高中而一起努力着。 但,这时小玲却作了一个恶梦,梦中的她看见了世界被毁灭,同伴们也一一惨遭毒手;自认梦境并非虚构的她因此挂心不已……

Sailor Moon Super S Chapter 1-39 End
The senshi fight against the Dead Moon Circus (Zirconia, Nehelenia, the Amazon Trio, the Amazoness Quartet), who wants to ultimately take over the world. This season is heavily centered around Chibi-usa and her relationship with Helios (Pegasus).
有一晚,豆钉兔在梦中来到一个森林,在森林中的湖上,她见到纯白色、有角和翼的独角天马。日全蚀的那一天,一座神秘的马戏团从天而降。之后不久,一班专门袭击拥有美丽梦想的敌人出现了,他们是阿玛逊三重奏 -- 老虎眼、秃鹰眼、美鱼眼。敌人的目的是要找寻躲藏在某人美丽梦想之内的独角天马......

Sailor Moon Stars Chapter 1-34 End
Sailor Moon Sailor Stars is split into two arcs; the first arc deals with an enemy they thought was dead: Nehelenia, who comes back with one intention - to destroy everything that Sailor Moon loves. After they defeat Nehelenia, a new threat comes from beyond the solar system, along with a new senshi, the Sailor Starlights. But determining whether they are friend or foe is harder than it looks. And on top of that, Mamoru has gone overseas to study and Seiya of the idol group the Three Lights is interested in Usagi.


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