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06Feb2025 - 02:48 59 AM
Category :


龙争虎斗 Enter The Dragon
Code : 9555186387304
Price : MYR19.90 SGD9.45 USD7.76 RMB53.73 MYR15.92 / SGD7.56 / USD6.21 / RMB42.98
Weight :150 g
Genre :Detective / Action ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English ,
Language :Cantonese , Chinese/ Mandarin ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :1
Region Code :3 ,
Model :DVD ,

《龙争虎斗》是李小龙处于全盛时期的功夫片巅峰之作。片中既有场面壮观的百人混战,又有李小龙以一敌众的实打实截拳道搏命镜头,其中在一场地下室打斗镜头中,他先后出神入化演示使用了少林齐眉棍、菲律宾短棍、双节棍三种凌厉绝杀的棍法。这是李小龙影片中打斗场面最多,使用武器最出彩的一部,虽然有一些中国观众认为该片在故事情节上有些土洋结合的不伦不类,但这并没有影响到票房成绩,尤其是在西方,至今票房累计早已数以亿计,成为李小龙票房最高的一部。另外,在影片中,洪金宝,成龙,元彪三兄弟都在其中饰演了打手一类的小角色,喜欢他们的影迷可以在片中寻找他们的身影,也能体会到从跑龙套到国际巨星的艰辛。 This is Bruce Lee at his coolest with all the backing of the great production values of a Hollywood studio behind him. The greatest fighting machine ever to emerge from Hong Kong, Bruce Lee kicks his way to the international stage as a lightning fist spy who infiltrates an ex-Shaolin Monk’s private island to bring the villain to justice. Lee portrays Li, a Shaolin monk who is invited to a martial arts tournament sponsored by Shaolin master-turned-bad Han. Han has not only disgraced his Shaolin roots but is also a drug lord and, as Li finds out later, the murderer of his sister three years ago. To get to Han, however, Li has to face off with two American exponents, Williams and Roper...


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