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05Feb2025 - 10:05 08 PM
Category :

Japan Anime

Mobile Suit Victory Gundam 机动纪高达V Vol. 1-51End DVD
Code : 9555329231730
Price : MYR59.90 SGD28.45 USD23.36 RMB161.73 MYR47.92 / SGD22.76 / USD18.69 / RMB129.38
Weight :350 g
Genre :Boy Series Animation , Robot/ Robotics/ Mecha ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English , Malay ,
Language :Japanese ,
Discs :5
Model :DVD ,
Manufacturer :Vscape Enterprise ,

It is Universal Century 0153. On the space colonies located at Side 2, the Zanscare Empire has come to power and it holds onto that power through liberal use of the guillotine. With its forces invading the Earth and its space fleets preparing to subjugate the other Sides, the Zanscare Empire has nothing to fear from the weakening Earth Federation. It is opposedonly ny the League Militaire, whose state of the art mobile suits and young pilots comprise the only real resistance movement. Now, thirteen-year-old Uso Evin has been dragged into the war by a battle near his home in Eastern Europe. As the Newtype pilot of the Victory Gundam, he fights not only to defeat the Zanscare Empire but also to find out what has become of his parents, who left him behind when they went into space.

U.C.0153年,桑斯卡尔帝国大举进攻地球,并将反抗他们的人送上断头台公开处刑,这种残酷的手段激起公愤,利加·米利狄亚的地下活动亦开始活发化。 13岁的NEWTYPE少年胡索乃非法居住在地球上的众多居民之一,因为没有合法的居住权,所以他们往往在森林等隐蔽的地方居住。胡索与青梅竹马的夏克蒂以及其他一些孤儿在森林中安家,没有父母的他们一直过着平静的生活。然而,某一天桑斯卡尔帝国与利加·米利狄亚在该森林中交战,胡索莫名其妙地被卷了进去,驾驶着V高达击退了敌人,自此这帮孩子的命运彻底地改变了。虽然不愿意,但已经无家可归的胡索他们加入了利加·米利狄亚,与全部由女性组成的修克拉队共同行动,一次又一次击退了来犯的桑斯卡尔帝国军。取得地面上的胜利后,胡索他们又转战至宇宙,但是在一次交战中夏克蒂被敌人抓走了。原来夏克蒂乃玛莉娅女王的亲生女儿,荷塞想利用玛莉娅和夏克蒂的NEWTYPE能力,集合数万名超能力者的力量,通过天使之环的增幅器向地球发送超声波,令地球上所有的人类大脑死亡,从而达到他独霸地球圈的野心。最后,胡索驾驶着增强型的V2高达,开动光之翼并唤醒夏克蒂的力量,令天使之环分断开来,渐渐飞离地球回到各个卫星,桑斯卡尔帝国亦在光芒中崩溃殆尽……


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