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05Feb2025 - 12:54 26 PM
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English Anime

ANIME DVD Transformers Animated Transform and Roll Out Season 1 & 2 变形金刚画版第一,第二 (A41)
Code : 9555329232638
Price : MYR33.90 SGD16.10 USD13.22 RMB91.53 MYR27.12 / SGD12.88 / USD10.58 / RMB73.22
Weight :300 g
Genre :Robot/ Robotics/ Mecha ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English , Malay ,
Language :English ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Audio Format :AUDIO STEREO ,
Discs :2
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD ,
Manufacturer :Lambaian Filem ,
Producer :ANIME 动漫 ,

This animated feature reinvents the Transformers franchise once again, with a high-octane sci-fo adventure set in the year 2060. A race of transforming robot creatures called the Autobots now call earth home, after saving a prominent scientists daughter from a nasty run-in with a basty nano-machine creature. Their people once warred with a race of evil robots called the Deceptacons, but nobody has know the whereabouts of these creatures - until now. The mean spirited machines have set their sites on Earth, and they can even have a group of malicious humans working with them. Now it's up to a rookie fighter named Optimus Prime to lead the Autobots against their foes, and with the help of veteran soldier Ratchet and a team of the best and brightest, in the hopes of saving their new home and all the people on it.

《Transformers:Animated 变形金刚:08动画版》由Cartoon Network出品,将从08年1月开始播出,总共26集外加一部90分钟的特别篇。在本作中,变形金刚在地球的存在已经不再是秘密,而且狂派也不甚猖狂,然而博派依然要肩负起保卫和平的职责。他们的主要任务就是对抗一些拥有超能力的邪恶人类,打击犯罪捍卫和平。


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