The Prince of Tennis
Echizen Ryoma is a young tennis prodigy who has won 4 consecutive tennis championships but who constantly lies in the shadow of his father, a former pro tennis player. He joins the Seishun Gakuen junior highschool, one of the best tennis schools in Japan, and there along with his teamates he learns to find his own type of tennis in an attempt to defeat his biggest obstacle of all: his father as well as himself.
The Prince of Tennis: The National Tournament Chapter 1-13End
Seigaku continues their road to winning the National Championship,but only Best school remain as they'll have to go toe-to-toe with old rivals and new foes the National Tournament.
The Prince of Tennis: The National Tournament Semi Final Chapter 1-6End
Seigaku continues the National Tournament, and the Semifinal begins. This time, it wouldn't be easy as it used to be. Seigaku regulars have a hard time facing the stronger teams that they've never faced before.
The Prince of Tennis: The National Tournament Final Chapter 1-7End
Seigaku has finally made it to the national finals, where their final opponent stands between them and a first place victory. Seigaku's showdown with Rikkaidai will determine the top tennis team in Japan. This show is about a boy who entered youth garden and he made his way through of being a seigaku tennis regular.Along with the rest,they work towards their goal and aim to be the 1st tennis club in Japan.