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21Sep2024 - 11:22 13 AM
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Japan Anime

Tears to Tiara 提亚拉之泪 Part 1 Chapter1-13 DVD
Code : 9528200190754
Price : MYR19.90 SGD9.45 USD7.76 RMB53.73 MYR15.92 / SGD7.56 / USD6.21 / RMB42.98
Weight :180 g
Genre :Boy Series Animation , Others ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English , Malay ,
Language :Japanese ,
Discs :1
Model :DVD ,
Manufacturer :Animedia Entertainment ,

Set in a fictitious land during a medieval-like era of magic and fantasy, Tears to Tiara unfolds with the Divine Empire's rise to power as it conquers and rules lands far and wide. On the island of Erin, still ruled by the Ancient Kingdom, the Goidelic people are attempting to sacrifice priestessRiannon to revive protagonist and demon king Arawn to lead the resistance against the Empire. Although the ritual fails and Riannon survives, the seal imprisoning the demon king is broken and Arawn is resurrected. Armed with mysterious and devastating powers and a human's demeanour, Arawn joins Riannon, her brother and battalion commander, Arthur, as well as their team of fighters comprising a swordsman, an archer and a quintet of magical pixies, in the epic struggle aganst the Divine Empire.

这是一个与朋友之间遥远约定的故事。青铜时代结束后1200年,大陆上兴起了一个叫“神圣帝国”的国家,它的势力发展急速迅猛,很快扩展到边界并且不断并吞曾经“古代王国”的领土。 这个时候,受到帝国侵略的小岛“艾灵岛”决定举行一场让魔王阿隆复活的仪式。盖尔族少女莉安珑不幸被选为复活仪式上的活祭品。然而因为种种原因复活仪式失败了,可是魔王阿隆却在非本人意识的情况下被迫解开了封印,莉安珑得以逃脱活祭品的悲惨命运。阿隆与莉安珑还有他的哥哥阿尔萨鲁结为伙伴一起对抗帝国军队的侵略,一场传说中的圣战开始了。


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