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21Sep2024 - 11:26 47 AM
Category :

Japan Anime

Asura Cryin机巧魔神 Chapter 1-13 End DVD
Code : 9528200190655
Price : MYR19.90 SGD9.45 USD7.76 RMB53.73 MYR15.92 / SGD7.56 / USD6.21 / RMB42.98
Weight :250 g
Genre :Others ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English , Malay ,
Discs :1
Model :DVD ,
Manufacturer :Animedia Entertainment ,

- Tomoharu is a normal high school student… except for he’s not alone. Haunted by the ghost of his dead childhood best friend, he moves into a new home in time for the new school year. That becomes a little more difficult than anticipated when his house becomes overrun with various female occult users. Even worse than that he has been pulled into a fight to protect a trunk within the house that others want to steal.

你相信这世上存在神灵吗?由三云岳斗原作、和狸ナオ担当插画的电击文库轻小说《 机巧魔神》,便是讲述主角“夏目智春”被青梅竹马的幽灵少女缠上,再升入高中之 后意外的从身著黑色服装的美女手中获得了名为“机巧魔神”的谜之兵器,并被赋予 了运用兵器拯救世界发使命,从中得知了世界隐藏的真相——神舍弃了人类,而这个 世界曾遭遇过一次毁灭,并借助“恶魔”之力再生为“第二度世界” 的离奇怪诞。自 称恶魔的巫女,还有同样被幽灵缠上的学生会长等人,各式各样的猎奇、诡异、惊悚 事件……故事将以这些人为中心展开。


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