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21Sep2024 - 11:20 55 AM
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Japan Anime

ANIME DVD Mokke 物怪 Chapter1-24 End + Special By Takatoshi Kumakura / 熊倉隆敏 (A19)
Code : 9528200081212
Price : MYR23.90 SGD11.35 USD9.32 RMB64.53 MYR19.12 / SGD9.08 / USD7.46 / RMB51.62
Weight :200 g
Director :Masayoshi Nishida ,
Year :2007-2008
Genre :Girl Series Animation ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English , Malay ,
Language :Japanese ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Audio Format :AUDIO STEREO ,
Discs :2
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD9 ,
Manufacturer :Animedia Entertainment ,
Producer :ANIME 动漫 ,

This is a story about two sisters: Shizuru is a high school student whi is able to see ghosts while her younger sister, Mizuki, is haunted by these apparitions. Frustrated by their abilities, their parents decided to entrust the sisters into the care of their grandparents who live in the countryside. As they adopt to lifestyle in the countryside, Shizuru and Mizuki begin to learn about the importance of coexisting nature with these apparitions.

姐姐静流和妹妹瑞生是所谓的“见鬼”(看得到妖怪)和“凭巫”(容易被妖怪附身),他们可以往来于两个世界之间。 家人为如何抚养这姐妹二人而苦恼万分,便将两人寄放在乡下的祖父母那里。在平静的乡间小镇上,静流和瑞生从祖父母还有乡民那里学会了与自然以及妖怪共存的重要意义,还理解了过去的人们尊重神佛、敬畏自然的理念,并通过当地根深蒂固的风俗习惯掌握了现代日本人已经忘记了的“珍贵东西”。



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