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06Oct2024 - 11:23 47 PM
Category :

Japan Anime

Yamato Nadeshiko Shichi Henge 完美小姐进化论 Chapter1-25End DVD
Code : 9528200081304
Price : MYR23.90 SGD11.35 USD9.32 RMB64.53 MYR19.12 / SGD9.08 / USD7.46 / RMB51.62
Weight :190 g
Genre :Others ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English ,
Language :Japanese ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :1
Model :DVD9 ,
Manufacturer :Perniagaan Impian Seni ,

Kyouhei, Ranmaru, Takenaga, and Yukinojou are beautiful, handsome, young men living in a huge mansion. One day, their landlord, whom they call "Auntie", ask them a favor: to make her niece, Sunako, who's going to be living with them, into a respectable young lady. She agrees to make their living expenses free of charge if they succeed, but if fail, she'll triple their rent. Due to their confidence in knowing how to deal with women, they agree, but once they meet Sunako, they begin to realize that their lovely living arrangements may soon be in jeopardy.

  四男一女的完美同居生活。中原须柰子同学就是传说中的完美女主角。上的厅堂下的厨房,容貌也是一等一的华丽。十八般武艺样样精通。可谓所有美好的词语加在她身上就像鸿毛一样轻。而男主角——想半夜偷袭兰丸和小雪同眠共枕偷看武长洗澡用手铐铐住恭平——让人想入非非。   女主角中原须奈子是一个不爱打扮,不爱化妆的15岁女孩。兴趣是电影鉴赏(惊悚恐怖片)和收集 (人体模型、骷髅头等)。在强光中3秒钟就会溶化,最见不得闪亮生物(就是帅哥靓女),因为会流泪流汗加流血。可是这样的女孩却偏偏和四个超闪亮男生—— 高野恭平、织田武长、森井兰丸、远山雪之丞住在须奈子姑姑的豪宅里。这四个男生因为房东阿姨,也就是须奈子姑姑的一句,“只要能把须奈子改造成淑女,今后三年房租全免!”而努力奋斗中,虽然他们在毫无防备的情况下见到须奈子会惊叫不已。但是须奈子打扮起来竟然是一位超级大美女?!今后的故事会怎样呢?须奈子会成为淑女吗?


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