One day Black Jack, considered by many the greatest surgeon who ever lived, recieves a call from his father, who abandoned him and his mother decades ago, asking for his help. Since then his life entered in a turmoil as a mysterious organization blew away his house, in an attempt to kill him. Now Black Jack travels arround the world, trying to figure out who wants him dead, and why.
日本漫画宗师手冢治虫流芳名作,透过面孔有大疤痕的黑杰克(秦博士),刻划出人性至深、至真、至善及至感性的一面! 他外表冷酷、丑陋、不近人情,他不在乎虚名、不在乎别人目光,但天才横溢的他——怪医秦博士,却身负不可思议的医术,和一颗充满真诚的侠义心肠。 凭着一套手术工具,一个精密脑袋,一手超凡技术,救助无数患有奇难杂症的病人!