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21Sep2024 - 11:28 45 AM
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Japan Anime

JP-A: Grappler Baki Season 2 - Chapter 1 - 24 End DVD by Keisuke Itagaki 板垣� {介 (A3)
Code : 9528200081670
Price : MYR29.90 SGD14.20 USD11.66 RMB80.73 MYR23.92 / SGD11.36 / USD9.33 / RMB64.58
Weight :110 g
Director :Hitoshi Nanba 仁難波 ,
Year :2001
Genre :Boy Series Animation ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English , Malay ,
Language :Japanese ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Audio Format :AUDIO STEREO ,
Discs :1
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD9 ,
Manufacturer :Animedia Entertainment ,
Producer :ANIME 动漫 ,

Baki, a great grappler needs to live up to his name being the son of the the greatest grapplers of all time: Hanma Yujiro. At the Shinshinkai Organization's private arena, anything goes and the odds are always stacked against you.

Current champion of the urderground tournament he fight to defend his title against the worlds strongest and best martial artists, including "the beast" his own father Yujiro.

徒手格斗的经典作品,以生死为赌注的地下擂台赛,非常过瘾!在全国空手道竞赛中, 一位系白帶的少年——刃牙,居然轻易地击败了连续三次夺得空手道冠军的末堂选手… …究竟這個來究竟這個來历不明的小子是谁呢?

刃牙的独门格斗技巧,造成格斗界极大 的震撼,也吸引各地高手前來向他挑战,一場一場令人血脈沸騰的激战展开了……血淋 淋、赤裸裸!激发原始兽性,充满官能刺激的战斗!

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