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07Oct2024 - 12:24 08 AM
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Japan Anime

JP-A : Candy 《小甜甜》 Vol.1-115 End DVD
Code : 9555329227702
Price : MYR99.90 SGD47.45 USD38.96 RMB269.73 MYR79.92 / SGD37.96 / USD31.17 / RMB215.78
Weight :250 g
Genre :Girl Series Animation ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English ,
Language :Japanese ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :5
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD9 ,
Manufacturer :Vscape Enterprise ,

Candy is a very nice, warm-hearted and cheerful girl. Many people like her or love her because of her kind personality.When she was a little child, she lived in an orphanage. There she met a handsome mysterious boy on a hill behind her home. This "prince on the hill" becomes an important person in her life.... She lived in the orphanage until she is adopted by a very influential big clan. Candy is a very good friend of the teenagers Annie, Archie, Stear and Anthony. Though she and Terence love each other very much, she leaves him because another girl, who is hopelessly in love with him, needs him more.Finally she devotes herself to Albert, a handsome young man and a very good friend of her.

小甜甜是一名生長在美國「伯尼之家」孤兒院的少女,和溫柔內向的安妮是最要好的朋友,後來安妮先被一戶人家收養,傷心的小甜甜六歲時在山丘上遇見一位演奏著蘇格蘭風笛的高貴「王子」,「王子」告訴她:「小朋友,妳還是笑起來比較可愛。」長大後小甜甜被歐德禮家收養,成為貴族少女伊沙的伴讀兼女僕,受到不平等對待,只能睡馬房。她認識了白馬王子安東尼,還有小迪、阿琪,後來歐德禮家大家長威亷·亞伯特·歐德禮(William Albert Audrey)老爺收養甜甜為養女,但是不久安東尼墜馬死亡。深愛安東尼的小甜甜離開美國,遠赴英國讀書。

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