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07Oct2024 - 12:22 34 AM
Category :

Japan Anime

JPA-D:Ayashi No Ceres Celestial Legend Vol. 1-24 End 梦幻才子 DVD
Code : 9555329226125
Price : MYR29.90 SGD14.20 USD11.66 RMB80.73 MYR23.92 / SGD11.36 / USD9.33 / RMB64.58
Weight :150 g
Genre :Girl Series Animation ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English ,
Language :English , Japanese ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :2
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD ,
Manufacturer :Vscape Enterprise ,

The story revolves around a teenage girl named Aya and her twin brother Aki, members of the wealthy and powerful Mikage family. On their sixteenth birthday, they are called to gather in their family home to be given a special present. Instead they find themselves the victims of an ancient family ritual. Aya is proven to be the reincarnation of a celestial maiden (天女 tennyo?), and upon reaching the age of sixteen her body is able to bring forth a powerful, celecital maiden called Ceres, the tennyo. When she transforms into Ceres, Aya obtains supernatural powers and often forgets what she has done during the transformation, resulting in a double personality. According to the legend, if left to live, the reincarnation of Ceres will bring ruin upon the Mikage family. Aya quickly finds herself assigned a death penalty by her own family. However, she is saved by Suzumi Aogiri, another tennyo descendant, from Kansai and Suzumi's brother-in-law, Yūhi. They take Aya into their home after she is forced to run from the Mikage. Events escalate as Aya struggles to control Ceres and her brother gains the ability to manifest as "Shiso Mikagi", the ancestor of the Mikage family who stole Ceres' celestial robe (羽衣 hagoromo?), without which she cannot return to heaven. Aya must also wrestle with affection for Toya, a Mikage employee with no memory of his own past. He is assigned to protect Aki and observe Aya by the leader of the C-project (celestial project). As he carries out his mission, he begins to develop feeling for Aya, and she for him. As Aya's allies increase, which include two C-Genomers (celestial descendants) like herself and the Aogiri family, and Tōya, she manages to make an agreement with Ceres. Aya promises to retrive Ceres's "hagoromo" in exchange for the celestial maiden's mercy toward her brother and Toya. Aya's quest to find Ceres's hagoromo wavers as she struggles with the emotional trauma of losing her family, battles the organization carrying out the C-Project, fights off the advances of Shiso Mikagi, and defies the forces that threaten to tear her away from Tōya. Tōya also struggles to find himself and regain his lost memory. In doing so, he learns that he was the organism that was created from the hagoromo or mana and his purpose was to return the mana back to Ceres. 在遠古時代,天女從天上來到人間沐浴。天女沐浴時把她的羽衣挂在一旁,可是羽衣卻被拿走了。由於没有羽衣無法回到天上,天女只有留在人間。於是她嫁給拿走羽衣的男人,繁衍了後代。他們的後代也因此繼承了天女的血統…… 御景妖來自豪門御景家族。她和雙親以及屔绺缬懊饕黄鹕睢T谟把鶜q生日那天,她被告知家族將為她舉辦生日宴會,在宴會上,御景妖的祖父答應給她一件生日禮物。可是當禮物盒被打開後發生了劇變…… 其實生日宴會的安排只是一個佈局,目的是考驗御景妖是否是天女瑟蕾絲的 載生體。事實證明确實如此。由於御景家族視天女的存在為一個巨大威胁,御景家的人開始追殺御景妖。御景妖被另外一位天女的後裔梧� {涼,涼的義弟雄飛以及一 個叫十夜的神秘人物所救,隨後住在了梧� {涼的家里。从那之後,寄生在妖體內的天女瑟蕾絲便時常被唤醒。另一方面,御景妖的表哥御景各臣為了自己的野心展開 C計劃,御景妖也開始尋找瑟蕾絲丢失的羽衣。

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