In the Kingdom of Wellber, Princess Rita is to be married to Princess Gernia of nearby Sangatras –a political marriage to prevent another war between the two countries. When the marriage palns go drastically awry, and Princess Rita is forced to flee the country on a missin to far-off Greedom, hoping to prevent the coming war, the finds a companion and friend in the cat burglar Tina, who has her own reasons for traveling to Greedom. 小國、威爾貝魯國的麗塔公主為了避免戰爭,本來應該與大國、聖卡托蘭斯國的肯爾尼亞王子政策結婚。但是麗塔卻因為刺傷肯爾尼亞,並在之後與盜俚倌纫黄饛� 城堡裡逃出。此事激怒了聖卡托蘭斯國的國王,他要求在期限內將麗塔處刑,否則將發動戰爭。被懸賞中的麗塔與蒂娜、妖精雪莉、人工智慧戰車吉拉諾・德・波路 傑拉克一起帶著�
{停要求的狀子往中立國、葛林達姆國逃亡。他們在途中經歷各種困難,被肯爾尼亞的部下騎士蓋拉哈德和賞金獵人追蹤著。在旅程耽誤的期間,從 傷勢中恢復的肯爾尼亞命令聖卡托蘭斯國的精銳部隊逮捕麗塔公主。在無法自由行動的狀況下,被追的走投無路的麗塔,可以在期限內逃進目的地並活下來嗎?同 時,可以避免開戰嗎?