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01Apr2025 - 04:58 36 AM
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DVD The Legend of the Mercy Buddha 观世音传奇 China Drama
Code : w001066
Price : MYR49.90 SGD23.70 USD19.46 RMB134.73 MYR39.92 / SGD18.96 / USD15.57 / RMB107.78
Weight :275 g
Year :2007
Genre :Ancient Period , Family / Love / Relationship ,
Language :Cantonese ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :2
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD9 ,

Eastern people were bridled be fame and wealth. Some forgot morality and justice hence they saw money. Some lost their own ideas. Some were so greedy that they committed murder. Some were to anxious to make a namevalokitesyara swore to Buddha she would go to the human world to enlighten people and help them to get out of the suffering. As Master Cihang became the third princess of Miaozh-uang Kingdom, Miaoshan, Succuba in Black brought black winds to surround the MiaoZh-uang Palace, saying that Third Princess was a devil, must be killed to save the country. Hence, Huo Yu, the prime minister, forced the king to throw the baby girl into the sea? Miaoshan grew up after much suffering. She worshiped Buddhism. After enlightened by Buddha, she saved the folds in the mountain and developed a good relationship with the neighbors. Finally, she and two of here students succeeded, they ascended to the heaven. She was titled Daci Dabei Life-saving Avalokite-svara by Buddha. Avalokitesvara gave speecdhs, saved the world traveled all around and helped.... 东土众生累于名缰利锁,有的见利忘义,有的混沌苟且,有的谋财害命,有的操戈撻伐。。。。。。观世音前世慈航大士面对佛祖立下宏愿,来世人间度醒众生,点悟从善之疲乏,使众生脱离苦海。正当慈航大士来世妙莊国三公主妙善时,黑衣魔女(即魔鲤亦翻卷乌云,包围祥云)起落入妙莊王的寝宫,言三公主乃妖魔附体,不除掉三公主江山难保,舆论蛊惑大臣百姓。宰相霍羽一心谋取王位,也以此为由逼迫国王将此婴投海。。。。。。 妙善历尽种种魔难长大成人,晨钟幕课,一心向佛。她得到佛祖点化,和其养父一起竭尽全力为山林百姓治病救难,和相邻乡亲相善。最终,她和两闰北子修成正果,升往天界,被佛祖赐号为大慈大悲,救苦救难的观世音菩萨。观世音菩萨为讲佛传经,普渡众生,遂遍游人间、福泽万民。。。。。。 观世音菩萨点化久试未中的书生高中状无,为民除去黑店老板,让众生看清前世来生,悟道从善,取山石变银子,于恶员外打赌,救百隆于饥荒。。。。。。书生萧仁堂天生一副好心肠家境起落均受到菩萨的保佑,却因其妻勾奸,令萧倾尽家产几乎丧命。。。。。。 观世音菩萨在嘉陵江助木匠韦驮修桥,终使韦驮修成正果,被佛祖赐为护法天神。。。。。。

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