With five new kids and an exciting new mission in the Digi-World, Digimon Frontier brings back all the great action and adventure of the alst three seasons, Takuya, Kouji, Zoe, J.P. and Tommy meet each other in a train that takes them to the Digi-World where a war against evil is being fought. The Angel digimon, Cherubimon, one of The three angels sent to..... 2002年,数码世界面临灭亡的危机!数码世界本是由究级天使兽、基路比兽及神圣天女兽三大天使所管治的,然而其中一位天使基路比兽却叛变,这使得数码世界的平衡受到破坏,并开始崩溃古代曾经拯救数码世界的十斗士现在已经不存在。就在这危机关头,十斗士的斗士之魂把新力量给予了另一个世界--现实世界的孩子主角拓也等人,将进入数码世界,变身成数码兽,投入这场冒险与战斗的旅程....