In a world rife with deadly creatures called "youma", a young silver eyed woman, Clare, works on behalf of an organisation that trains female youma halfbreeds into warriors with the ability to destroy these creatures. Considered a rogue for picking up a stray child & almost losing herself to her youma side by "Awakening", she is constantly assigned rather dangerous missions... 傳說從古至今妖魔就潛藏在人類的世界,化成人形模樣以啃食人類為生… 人類對妖魔完全束手無策,唯有求助斬殺妖魔為業的組織-「妖魔獵人」;他們是身體裡混有妖魔之血的半人半妖,他們並非體型巨大的力量也沒青面 獠牙的恐怖,而是身材苗條於背上揹著巨劍、擁有銀色眼眸的女子…!?