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29Sep2024 - 06:39 57 AM
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Japan Anime

ANIME DVD Demonbane Ushio To Tora Vol.1-10 End by Kazuhiro Fujita (A46)
Code : 9555329226569
Price : MYR24.90 SGD11.83 USD9.71 RMB67.23 MYR19.92 / SGD9.46 / USD7.77 / RMB53.78
Weight :150 g
Director :Kunihiko Yuyama ,
Year :1993
Genre :Boy Series Animation , VBG / LF / VSCAPE ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English ,
Language :English , Japanese ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Audio Format :AUDIO STEREO ,
Discs :2
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD ,
Manufacturer :Lambaian Filem ,
Producer :ANIME 动漫 ,

It centers around the travails and battles of Ushio Aotsuki (蒼月潮 , Aotsuki Ushio?), who is constantly being stalked and aided by a gigantic, supernatural and sometimes invisible tiger-like monster (somewhat like Calvin and Hobbes). Ushio's family maintains a Shinto temple in Japan, where ~500 years ago, his samurai ancestor battled that same tiger to a standstill, and eventually trapped him against a rock using a blessed spear called the "Beast Spear", which in addition to its intrinsic formidability as a weapon, can also endow its wielder with the martial ability of the ancestor who originally wielded it. Ushio accidentally unsealed the cave Tora was trapped in. Initially, Ushio refuses to remove the spear pinning Tora (とら, Japanese for tiger) down (as Tora made the strategic blunder of mentioning that the first thing he would do upon being freed would be to devour Ushio), but Tora's unsealed presence summons various monsters who wish to fight him, and by extension Ushio. Ushio is forced to free Tora, who would like to eat Ushio, but dares not since Ushio keeps the spear close by. The series focuses on their relationship, interspersed with battles against mythological foes, and with Tora's attempts to grapple with modern life. The story also includes Ushio's relationships with two girls: the tomboyish Asako Nakamura (中村 麻子 , Nakamura Asako?) and the feminine Mayuko Inoue (井上 真由子, Inoue Mayuko?). Episodic in nature, most of the manga is a series of fights with different youkai or other creatures from Japanese legend. But at thirty-three volumes, the story continues far past the events of the anime, and leads to an epic conclusion. 主人公苍月潮,因为偶然拿到兽矛,被激发潜力变成兽人,解封了一只被兽予钉封了五百年的妖怪虎,从此走上降妖之路。书中把潮与虎肝胆相照、生死与共、快意恩仇的豪情展现得淋漓尽致。有友若此,夫复何求?只要是男人都会向往的一种情怀,只属于男人的浪漫。《潮与虎》中极富感染力的场面很多很多,有的气势磅礴令人热血沸腾,有的无奈悲凉令人唏嘘不已,有的出人意表令人百感交集,有的洒脱豪迈令人尽抒胸中块垒。都是催人泪下,能让读者们激动得睡不着的经典桥段。配合那极富张力的狂放画风,就具有几乎无坚不摧的感染力。

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