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14Mar2025 - 02:40 29 PM
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CN: The Tokyo Trial 东京审判 DVD
Code : 1736229300032
Price : MYR16.90 SGD8.03 USD6.59 RMB45.63 MYR13.52 / SGD6.42 / USD5.27 / RMB36.50
Weight :150 g
Staring :刘松仁 , 曾江 , 英达 , 朱孝天 , 林熙蕾 ,
Director :高群书 , 唐灏 , 张思涛 , 张弛 , 胡坤 ,
Genre :Detective / Action , Modern ,
Subtitle :Chinese ,
Language :Chinese/ Mandarin ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :1
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD ,
Manufacturer :Perniagaan Unggul Telawi ,

The historical Chinese movie "Tokyo Trial" debuted in movie theaters across China last Friday. It recounts the trial of top Japanese war criminals at the International Military tribunal for the Far East nearly 60 years ago. This is the first time that China has brought this topic to the silver screen. The movie's accurate rendering of history and its fine artistry has won it wide acclaim. Some even call it a movie no Chinese should miss, even if it is not easy viewing. The Tokyo Trial took place after World War II ended. It lasted two and a half years, from May 1946 to November 1948, about half a year after the start of the Nuremberg Trials in Europe. All Japanese Class-A war criminals were tried by the International Military Tribunal for the Far East in Tokyo. The prosecution team was made up of justices from 11 Allied nations. Seven of the war criminals were hanged after the trial, including Hideki Tojo, the prime minister of Japan during the attack on Pearl Harbor in Hawaii in 1941. 《东京审判》表现的是在1946年远东国际军事法庭在东京审判日本战犯的情况,是中国人在国际舞台上第一次成功地用法律武器捍卫自己尊严的故事。当时的远东国际军事法庭,由11个国家的11名法官组成,整个法庭不赞成死刑的人居然占多数。以梅汝璈(刘松仁饰)为首的中国法官,最终是怎么样将东条英机等战争罪犯送上绞刑架的呢?影片创作者经过大量的历史调查,为观众揭露了许多不为人知的秘密。 因为该片故事全部发生在1946年的东京,片中扮演梅汝璈的刘松仁,扮演向哲浚的曾江,扮演倪征燠的英达均一口流利的英语;扮演中国记者肖南和日本恋人和田芳子的林熙蕾操一口流利的日语汉语;而凭《南海十三郎》成为金马影帝的谢君豪和曾志伟的对白是日语;再加上由日本演员扮演的律师广濑一郎、战犯东条英机、板垣征四郎、松井石根、土肥原贤二;由美国百老汇著名演员扮演的盟国检察官季南、法庭庭长卫勃,无论叙述风格还是制作气势均强烈透出导演高群书深受好莱坞主流商业片的影响,是国产片中少有的具有好莱坞气象的大片。摘自世纪环球在线

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