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05Feb2025 - 07:47 27 PM
Category :

English Anime

JPA-M:Tom And Jerry猫和老鼠DVD
Code : F00597
Price : MYR30.90 SGD14.68 USD12.05 RMB83.43 MYR24.72 / SGD11.74 / USD9.64 / RMB66.74
Weight :400 g
Genre :Boy Series Animation , Girl Series Animation ,
Subtitle :Chinese ,
Language :English , Chinese/ Mandarin ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :3
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD ,
Manufacturer :Wismaju Sdn Bhd ,

Tom rarely succeeds in catching Jerry, mainly because of Jerry's cleverness and cunning abilities, but sometimes because of Tom's own stupidity. Tom sometimes beats Jerry, usually when Jerry becomes the instigator or when he crosses some sort of line. 汤姆几乎没有战胜过杰瑞,主要是因为老鼠的狡猾诡诈,当然我们都知道猫自己的愚蠢也尽了一臂之力。往往只有在杰瑞成为煽动者或超越某些底线时,汤姆才得以击败杰瑞;杰瑞的狡猾则源于自卫的需要(这有点像兔八哥)。但是,它们也不时地联合起来:一方去营救另一方,或对抗共同的敌人。《猫和老鼠》系列短片之所以如此地风靡世界,下列极具破坏效果的过瘾场面或许功不可没:杰瑞把汤姆切成了两半,汤姆用尽了包括斧头、手枪、来福枪、炸药甚至毒药等等来试图干掉杰瑞,杰瑞把猫的尾巴塞进了窩夫烘烤模里面,等等。

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