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07Oct2024 - 12:23 08 AM
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Japan Anime

JPA-D:Gunslinger Girl Chapter1-13 End DVD
Code : 9528200098203
Price : MYR19.90 SGD9.45 USD7.76 RMB53.73 MYR15.92 / SGD7.56 / USD6.21 / RMB42.98
Weight :150 g
Genre :Boy Series Animation ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English , Malay ,
Language :Japanese ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :1
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD ,
Manufacturer : ,

Set in modern-day Italy, Gunslinger Girl follows the exploits of the Social Welfare Agency (often referred to as simply "the Agency"), ostensibly a charitable institution sponsored by the Italian government. While the Agency professes to aid the rehabilitation of the physically injured, it is actually a military organization specializing in counter-intelligence and counter-terrorism. It comprises two independent branches, Public Safety (公安部 kōan-bu?) and Special Ops (作戦部 sakusen-bu?), with Public Safety being its surveillance and intelligence-gathering arm and Special Ops its anti-terrorist division.[1] Special Ops is itself divided into Sections 1 and 2,[2] the latter of which employs young girls fitted with cybernetic implants as agents. The implants, which consist of synthesized muscles and carbon fiber frames, result in heightened strength and reflexes as well as high resilience to damage and pain. Each girl is paired with a male trainer, or "handler," and together they are referred to as a fratello (Italian for "brother"). The handler is responsible for the training, welfare and field performance of his charge, and is free to use whatever methods he considers suitable. While these methods vary according to the handler, a common part of each girl's regimen is brainwashing called "conditioning," which produces a deadly assassin with unquestioning loyalty to her handler. 故事舞台是在現代的義大利都市,政府機關「社會福祉公社」表面上是收容重傷殘障的少女給予醫治和幫助職業訓練的福利機構,但實際上是將收容的少女加以義體改造並投入藥物加以洗腦制約使其成為對抗恐怖份子的尖兵。每位少女都搭配一位輔佐官,而這組合稱為「fratello」是義大利語中「兄妹」之意,每位少女對其輔佐官都有制約造成的混合了愛情及親情的絕對忠铡� 跟社會福址公社敵對的恐怖組織是被稱為「五共和國派」的組織。該組織的政治訴求,是響應以義大利北部為據點的「北部同盟」(Lega Nord)黨首Umberto Bossi所提倡,義大利北部8省與中部3省(包括托斯卡� {(Toscana),翁布里亞(Umbria),馬爾凱(Marche))應該自義大利共和國分離獨立的主張,並依此實行武裝抗爭邉拥慕M織(但在現實中的義大利並無此組織,真實存在的北部同盟也不支持恐怖活動)

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